2025 |
Thermo-Optical Properties of α-MoO3 thin films in the mid-infrared and phonon frequency shift |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2025 |
Could Physics teaching and Sustainability challenges be linked? |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
A 5E-based learning experience to introduce concepts relevant in Quantum Physics |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Room-Temperature Tuning of Mid-Infrared Optical Phonons and Plasmons in W-doped VO2 thin films |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
The Superconductivity Phenomenon from the Discovery to the BCS Theory: A Storytelling Approach |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Facilitating the understanding of Physics: Risks and benefits of Artificial Intelligence in an African context |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Connecting Physics Teaching to Sustainability Challenges: The GREEN-EDU Project Experience |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
An innovative tailored instructional design for computer programming courses in engineering |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Design of an open-lab activity for engineering students: A case study |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Tunable IR perfect absorbers enabled by tungsten doped VO2 thin films |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Online/Hybrid Course Design for Programming Languages in Engineering Education |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
VO2 Tungsten Doped Film IR Perfect Absorber |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
Designing for Student-Centered Hybrid Learning Environments: A Framework for Programming Languages Course Design |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Inquiry-based environments for bio-signal processing training in engineering education |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
The BioS4You European Project: An Innovative Way to Effectively Engage Z-Generation Students in STEM Disciplines |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2020 |
Teacher professional development in the context of the “Open Discovery of STEM laboratories” project: Is the MOOC methodology suitable for
teaching physics? |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2020 |
Informal physics teaching for a better society: a mooc-based and context-driven experience on learning radioactivity |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Active learning in a real-world bioengineering problem: A pilot-study on ophthalmologic data processing |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
A 5E-Based Learning Workshop on Various Aspects of the Hall Effect |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2019 |
Augmented lectures: Benefits of supporting physics teaching with the theatre |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Nonequilibrium electron spin relaxation in n-type doped GaAs sample |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Long term stability of learning outcomes in undergraduates after an open-inquiry instruction on thermal science |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
The amazing graphene: an educational bridge connecting different Physics concepts |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
A quantitative analysis of university student reasoning lines in the field of thermally activated phenomena |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
From led light signboards to the Planck’s constant |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
The first year of the "open discovery of stem laboratories" (ODL) project |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
An inquiry-based learning path to introduce modern physics in high-school |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Analysing the conceptions on modelling of engineering undergraduate students: A case study using cluster analysis |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2017 |
Training pre-service and in-service secondary school teachers: Analysis of changes in perceptions about quantum physics concepts and NoS views |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2017 |
Electronic properties of graphene: A learning path for undergraduate students |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
An Inquiry-Based Approach to a Pedagogical Laboratory for Primary School Teacher Education |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Application of remote experiments in a secondary school using MOOC approach |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modelling-Oriented Workshops for Engineering Undergraduates in the Field of Thermally Activated Phenomena |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Nonlinear relaxation phenomena in metastable condensed matter systems |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Using cluster analysis to study the modelling abilities of engineering undergraduate students: a case study |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2016 |
Intermittent targeted therapies and stochastic evolution in patients affected by chronic myeloid leukemia |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
New quasi-atomic nanoheterostructures: Superatoms and excitonic quasi-molecules |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Epistemological Difficulties and Improvement of Conceptual Understanding in the Context of Thermal Sciences: An Open Inquiry Approach with Undergraduate Engineering Students |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2016 |
Noise-induced resonance-like phenomena in InP crystals embedded in fluctuating electric fields |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
An experience of elicited inquiry elucidating the electron transport in semiconductor crystals |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2015 |
Elucidating the electron transport in semiconductors via Monte Carlo simulations: An inquiry-driven learning path for engineering undergraduates |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Enhancement of the Lifetime of Metastable States in Er-Doped Si Nanocrystals by External Colored Noise |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2015 |
Noise-induced effects in nonlinear relaxation of condensed matter systems |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Electron dynamical response in InP semiconductors driven by fluctuating electric fields |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
An Inquiry-based approach to the Franck-Hertz experiment |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Open Inquiry based learning experiences to understand the Nature of Science |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Empirical Mode Decomposition and Neural Network for the Classification of Electroretinographic Data |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Hot-Electron Noise Features in Silicon Crystals Operating Under Periodic signals |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
A comparison among different techniques for human ERG signals processing and classification |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Open-inquiry driven overcoming of epistemological difficulties in engineering undergraduates: A case study in the context of thermal science |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2014 |
Noise features in InP crystals operating under static, periodic or fluctuating electric fields |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Spin Relaxation of Conduction Electrons in Silicon |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
An Inquiry-based approach to the Franck-Hertz experiment |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Open Inquiry Investigations on Heat Transfer Performed by
Undergraduate Engineering Students |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Phonon-induced spin relaxation of conduction
electrons in silicon crystals |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
Advances in Semiconductor Research: Physics of Nanosystems, Spintronics and Technological Applications |
Curatela |
Vai |
2014 |
Noise features in InP semiconductors operating under static or sub-Terahertz electric fields |
Altro |
Vai |
2014 |
Phonon-induced spin depolarization of conduction electrons in silicon crystals |
Altro |
Vai |
2013 |
Translocation dynamics of a short polymer driven by an oscillating force |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
External Noise Effects in Silicon MOS Inversion Layer |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Nonlinear relaxation in quantum and mesoscopic systems |
Altro |
Vai |
2013 |
Enhancement of electron spin lifetime in GaAs crystals: the benefits of dichotomous noise |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Metastability and Relaxation in Quantum and Mesoscopic Systems |
Altro |
Vai |
2012 |
Open Inquiry investigations on heat transfer performed by undergraduate engineering students |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Monte Carlo analysis of polymer translocation with deterministic and noisy electric fields |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Environmental Noise and Nonlinear Relaxation in Biological Systems |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2012 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
New insights into electron spin dynamics in the presence of correlated noise. |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Noise Enhanced Stability Phenomenon in Electron Spin Dynamics |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Effect of a fluctuating electric field on electron spin dephasing in III-V semiconductors |
Altro |
Vai |
2011 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Dynamics in Doped Semiconductors Driven by Electric Fields: Harmonic Generation, Hot-Carrier Noise and Spin Relaxation |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2011 |
Stochastic Dynamics of Leukemic Cells under an Intermittent Targeted Therapy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
Altro |
Vai |
2011 |
Monte Carlo investigation of electron spin relaxation in GaAs crystals during low-field transport |
Altro |
Vai |
2011 |
ERG signal analysis using wavelet transform |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
Doping dependence of spin dynamics of drifting electrons in GaAs bulks |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2011 |
An approach based on wavelet
analysis for feature extraction in the electroretinogram |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Relaxation of electron spin during high-field transport in GaAs bulk |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Polarization of the Radiation Emitted in GaAs Semiconductors
Driven by Far Infrared Fields |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Ruolo del rumore ambientale in sistemi complessi di natura biologica |
Altro |
Vai |
2010 |
Doping dependence of spin lifetime of drifting electrons in GaAs bulks |
Altro |
Vai |
2010 |
Dose dependent survival response in chronic myeloid leukemia under continuous and pulsed targeted therapy |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Temperature dependence of
spin depolarization of drifting electrons
in n-type GaAs bulks |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2010 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Resonant activation in polymer
translocation: new insights into the
escape dynamics of molecules driven by
an oscillating field |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Complex dynamics of leukemic cells under intermittent therapy |
Altro |
Vai |
2009 |
A study of the human rod and cone electroretinogram a-wave component |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Time-frequency analysis of the human photoreceptoral response |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Evolutionary dynamics of imatinib-treated leukemic cells by stochastic approach |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Noise influence on electron dynamics in semiconductors driven by a periodic electric field |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2009 |
Monte Carlo study of diffusion noise reduction in GaAs operating under periodic conditions |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Nonlinear dependence on temperature and field of electron spin depolarization in GaAs semiconductors |
Altro |
Vai |
2009 |
Stochastic dynamics of leukemic cells under an intermittent targeted therapy |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Functional analysis of Normal and CSNB a-wave ERG component |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Cancer growth dynamics: stochastic models and noise induced effects |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
External noise effects on the electron velocity fluctuations in semiconductors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Changes of electronic noise induced by oscillating fields in bulk GaAs semiconductors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
A statistical description of the human a-wave ERG component |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Noise influence on electron dynamics in semiconductors driven by a periodic electric field |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Frequency influence on the hot-electron noise reduction in GaAs operating under periodic signals |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Stochastic model for an ecosystem of cancerous cells in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Wave-mixing effects on electronic noise in semiconductors |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Stochastic modelling of imatinib-treated leukemic cells dynamics |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Field mixing influence on the hot-electron noise in Semiconductors |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
External noise effects on the electron velocity fluctuations in semiconductors |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Stochastic modelling of imatinib-treated leukemic cell dynamics |
Altro |
Vai |
2007 |
Generation of even harmonics of sub-THz radiation in bulk GaAs in the presence of a static electric field |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2007 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Harmonic Generation in GaAs structures operating under large-signal Conditions |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2006 |
Electronic Noise in Semiconductor Systems: a Monte Carlo Simulation under Mixed Fields |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Static-ElectricField Effects on harmonic generation in Gallium Arsenide Bulk exposed to intense sub-THz radiation |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Dynamical effects and Terahertz harmonic generation in low-doped bulk semiconductors and submicron structures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Monte Carlo Calculation of Voltage-Current Nonlinearity and High-Order Harmonic Generation in GaAs Microstructures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Monte Carlo Analysis of Voltage-Current Characterstic Nonlinearity and Harmonic Generation in Submicron Semiconductor Structures |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2006 |
Monte Carlo analysis of electronic noise in semiconductors under sub-terahertz cyclostationary mixed fields |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Monte Carlo Analysis of the efficiency of Tera-Hertz Harmonic Generation in semiconductors |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2004 |
Monte Carlo simulation of high-order harmonics generation in bulk semiconductors and submicron structures |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2004 |
Even and Odd Harmonic Generation in low-doped semiconductors |
Proceedings |
Vai |