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Research Area

Active Research fields

Philosophy of Mathematics: realism, on the quasi-empirical nature of mathematical knowledge, the philosophy of mathematical practice.

Artificial Intelligence: pattern recognition, Gaerdenfors' conceptual spaces, implementation of conceptual spaces on robots (Pepper).

History of Philosophy: Bertrand Russell, history of analytic philosophy.


Research projects of the last 5 years

Bigger Data 


ID dossier, 2014_ATE_0418, Coordinator: Franco Lo Piparo, Typology: ATE_FA_2012_REND1, Year: 2014.


Active research

Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar

The Logic and Philosophy of Science Seminar, chaired by Prof. Gianluigi Oliveri, starts in 2012. Both the seminar's speakers and partecipants have been distinguished by a strong interdisciplinary character. School masters, and students of some of Palermo's high-schools ---  liceo delle Scienze Umane e Linguistico 'Danilo Dolci' and  liceo Scientifico 'Benedetto Croce'.--- contribute actively to the seminars.      

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