Research Area
Active Research fields
Public Health Genomics
Cancer Epidemiology, Infant Cancer, cancer risk communication
Food security, health risks and allergies Anisakis-related
Sero-epidemiological surveys on hepatitis and HIV, vaccination, cost-effectiveness analysis
Research projects of the last 5 years
- Bando Ricerca Corrente 2013 – IZS (SI 11/13 RC)
ROLE: Coordinator UO 3 EMS
Project title: Indagine epidemiologica sulla prevalenza di allergie da Anisakis in Sicilia.
Project "Generating Real-world Evidence about Therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with Avastin-bevacizumab (GRETA)".
Working Group the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI) on Public Health Genomics
Project "The economic impact of cancer on regional health systems: estimates and projections in relation to different scenarios of intervention - EPICOST", led by the National Institute of Health, funded under the 2014 CCM program.
European Network of Infant Cancer Registries.
National Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions (Institute of Public Health UCSC Rome) - Osservasalute Group (referent Sicily)
Projects funded by the National Center for Disease Control (CCM) of the Ministry of Health, headed by, respectively, the Public Health Institute of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome ( "Test predictive genomic: census in some Italian regions the establishment of a register of supply, and promotion of training programs for prescribers ") and the Department of Public Health and Infectious diseases of the Sapienza University of Rome (" the economic impact of genetic testing on the National Health Service (NHS ): evaluation of diagnostic and care pathways, estimates of cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis and health policy at the European level ").
Inder-department research center and laboratory for the regional and local development of Sicily (CIR SILAB) of the University of Palermo.