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Coopetitive Dynamics in Distribution Channel Relationships: An Analysis of the Italian Context in the Twentieth Century

  • Authors: Mocciaro Li Destri, A; Minà, A
  • Publication year: 2009
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Key words: Canali distributivi; potere; Competizione; Cooperazione; Collaborazione; Coopetizione
  • OA Link:


Through the analysis of the evolution of channel relationships in Italy during the twentieth century, this paper illustrates retrospectively the main factors and determinants underlying the emergence of coopetitive relationships in vertical distribution interactions and, furthermore, allows to identify different forms of coopetitive relationships in distribution channels. This empirical setting also allows to shed light on the way power instances are connected to the emergence of distinct types of interfirm relationships. Finally, it clarifies that in order to define a relationship as coopetitive, it is not sufficient for firms to collaborate for the creation of value and compete for the appropriation of value, rather firms must be engaged in multiple level relationships in which they both collaborate and compete for the creation of value.