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National identification weakens, and territorial identification strengthens, the relationship between masculine honor values and the justification of practices of connivance with the mafia


Organized crime's governance raises questions aboutmechanisms facilitating the exercise of illegal authorityin society. The present research tested the associationbetween masculine honor ideology and the justificationof connivance practices facilitating criminal groups' ac-tivities. We examined the novel idea that national iden-tification would attenuate and territorial identificationwould strengthen such a relationship, reflecting differentsources of authority at the national and territorial levels.In Studies 1a and b (N = 398 and N = 399), we measured in-dividuals' endorsement of masculine honor, justificationof connivance practices, and national and territorial iden-tifications. In Study 2 (N = 390), we experimentally manip-ulated the salience of these identities. Results supportedthe hypotheses that the link between masculine honor andjustification of connivance was weaker at higher levels ofnational identification and stronger at higher levels of ter-ritorial identification. Implications and future directionsare discussed.