Dal divino all'umano: percorso per un dialogo interreligioso nell'epoca post-secolare
- Authors: Lupo, R.M.
- Publication year: 2016
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio (Capitolo o saggio)
- Key words: Post-secolarismo, fenomenologia delle religioni, dialogo interreligioso, alterità, trascendenza, anateismo
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/232296
In its phenomenological and hermeneutic declination philosophy of religions is today in a fruitful dialogue with theology of religions as concerns the investigation of the conditions of possibility of the interreligious dialogue and its praxis. The subjective opening to the otherness gives an interesting perspective in order to think the interreligious dialogue as a kind of agapic relationship between the subjects that are strangers for each other and in which a honest use of logos is necessary. Following this perspective we note not only a philosophical correction of transcendental subjectivity, but also an elaboration of the concept of God which subverts the onto-theological tradition according to a direction of thought which is by now usually called “post-secularism”.