Stratificazione ontologica e fluidità del reale
- Authors: Lupo, R.M.
- Publication year: 2013
- Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
- Key words: Ontologia, realtà , intenzionalità , plasticità , Malabou, Quine, Bauman, ermeneutica
- OA Link:
The question of reality implies the necessity of declaring a principle of reality. Thus, it means the necessity of declaring a principle of existence. Through the adoption of a wide criterion like that of intentional existence following up on Quine’s accounts, the question is reformulated as a question concerning not what but how being is. Using Bauman’s concept of liquidity in an ontological manner and discussing Malabou’s notion of plasticity, the form as essence is seen in its possibility of being receptive and fluid and not ontologically static or stiff. Facing a stratified reality, we need to insert phenomenology and hermeneutics into metaphysics or rather rediscover the originary phenomenological and hermeneutical nature of metaphysical thinking.