Research Area
Active Research fields
1. Investigation of electromagnetic properties of superconductors at high and intermediate transition temperature by measurements of: i) surface impedance at low input power level (of the order of few mW); ii) nonlinear microwave effects ad high input power levels (up to about 50 W of peak).
2. Microwave characterization of superconducting materials and of microwave devices, such as filters, resonant cavities, trasmission lines, antennas etc.
Research projects of the last 5 years
G. Giunchi, A. Figini Albisetti, EDISON SpA R&D Milano (Italy)
U. Topal, TUBITAK-UME, National Metrology Institute, PK 54, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey
Åž. Yildiz, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Gaziosmanpasa University, Tokat, Turkey
M. R. Trunin, Yu. A. Nefyodov, D. V. Shovkun, A. F. Shevchun, L. A. Klinkova, N. V. Barkovskii, N. N. Kolesnikov, M. P. Kulakov, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow, Russia
Active research
LABORATORY of Microwave Spectrometry ( di Fisica e Chimica, via Archirafi 36)
INSTRUMENTATION: Vectorial network Analyzer hp8719D operating in the range 50 MHz - 13 GHz; Nonolinear Spectrometer (3 - 6 GHz e 2 - 6 GHz); System of generation and amplification of microwave pulses up to 50 W peak power; Liquid Helium Cryostat with temperature-control system in the range 2.5 K - 300 K; Electromagnet with field-control system in the range 0 – 1 T.
Services delivered under the right of third parties
Microwave characterization of metallic and superconducting material, metamaterials, composit materials. Characterization of devices operating at microwave frequencies, such as resonant cavities, filters, antennas, transmission lines, ect. The characterization can be performed in the temperature range: 4.2 - 300 K, and in the magnetic-field range 0 - 1 T.