But What about the Cam Structure? Notes for an Enunciative Diagrammatology
- Authors: Francesco La Mantia
- Publication year: 2023
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/609614
The text aims to reconstruct the genesis of a core diagram in Antoine Culioli’s Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations: the so-called “cam struc- ture”. For the purpose of a clear and rigorous exposition, the formal aspects of this diagram are examined in relation to some key problems of Culiolian theorization: the generative role of the Lexis with respect to the plane of assertion and, more gener- ally, with respect to the work of enunciation. In the last part of the paper, an attempt is made to connect the main results of Culiolian thinking with some of the most stimulating theoretical works on the epistemological value of the diagram: Gilles Deleuze’s heterogenesis and Gilles Châtelet’s philosophy of mathematics.