Se l’enunciatore non parla. Note sulla nozione ducrotiana di punto di vista.
- Authors: Francesco La Mantia
- Publication year: 2018
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio (Capitolo o saggio)
- OA Link:
«Voice» and «Point of view» have been two of the most debated topics in some fields of linguistics and semiotics. Generally, DUCROT (1984) is considered like one of the first essays which introduced these concepts in the theoretical framework of the analysis of enunciation. As for the first one, the Author limits himself to suggest that it is connected with the notion of «discourse». In fact, by examining some topics of SPERBER & WILSON (1978), he seems to assimilate «voice» to «discourse». Indeed, you can read «j’ai substitué l’expression “faire entendre une voix” à leur expression “mentionner un discours”». As for the second concept, He seems to assimilate «point of view» to intuitive notions like «attitude» or «position». This identification is attested by some remarks about a particular semiotic role that plays a pivotal function in the general economy of ducrotian linguistics. In particular, in discussing the metalinguistic statute of the so-called «énonciateurs», DUCROT (1984: 204) observes that «l’énonciation est vue comme exprimant leur points de vue, leur positions, leurs attitudes». Furthermore, in deepening the formal characters of such role, He adds that the point of view of «énonciateurs» is not a matter of discourse (or «parole»): «l’énonciation est vue comme exprimant leur point de vue […] mais non pas au sens matériel du terme leur paroles». In short, in the ducrotian framework, «voice» and «point of view» seem to cover, respectively, two distinct domains: the verbal universe of discourse and the intuitive (and not better specified) universe of attitudes or positions.