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Date Title Type Record
2024 Classifying simple superalgebras with automorphism and pseudoautomorphism Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Algebras with superautomorphism: simple algebras and codimension growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Trace Codimensions of Algebras and Their Exponential Growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Codimensions of algebras with additional structures Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Central polynomials of graded algebras: Capturing their exponential growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Matrix algebras with degenerate traces and trace identities Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Superalgebras: Polynomial identities and asymptotics Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Trace identities and almost polynomial growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Understanding star-fundamental algebras Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 On Codimensions of Algebras with Involution Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2021 Trace Identities on Diagonal Matrix Algebras Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2020 Star-fundamental algebras: Polynomial identities and asymptotics Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Codimensions of star-algebras and low exponential growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Superalgebras with Involution or Superinvolution and Almost Polynomial Growth of the Codimensions Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Minimal star-varieties of polynomial growth and bounded colength Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Polynomial codimension growth of algebras with involutions and superinvolutions Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Polynomial growth and star-varieties Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 On algebras of polynomial codimension growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Varieties of Algebras with Superinvolution of Almost Polynomial Growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Almost polynomial growth: Classifying varieties of graded algebras Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Graded algebras with polynomial growth of their codimensions Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 MR3038546, Brešar, Matej; Klep, Igor A local-global principle for linear dependence of noncommutative polynomials. Israel J. Math. 193 (2013), no. 1, 71–82. (Reviewer: Daniela La Mattina) 16R99 Recensione in rivista Go to
2014 Classifying the Minimal Varieties of Polynomial Growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 MR2966998 Aljadeff, Eli; Kanel-Belov, Alexei Hilbert series of PI relatively free G-graded algebras are rational functions. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 44 (2012), no. 3, 520–532. (Reviewer: Daniela La Mattina) 16R10 (16W50) Recensione in rivista Go to
2012 Varieties of superalgebras of polynomial growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 MR2852326 Bekh-Ochir, C.; Rankin, S. A. Examples of associative algebras for which the T-space of central polynomials is not finitely based. Israel J. Math. 186 (2011), 333–347. (Reviewer: Daniela La Mattina) 16R10 Recensione in rivista Go to
2011 Varieties of superalgebras of almost polynomial growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Graded polynomial identities and exponential growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 The central polynomials of the infinite-dimensional unitary and nonunitary Grassmann algebras Altro Go to
2010 Graded polynomial identities and codimensions: computing the exponential growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Polynomial codimension growth of graded algebras Proceedings Go to
2009 Graded central polynomials for the matrix algebra of order two Altro Go to
2009 Some results on ∗-minimal algebras with involution Altro Go to
2009 Characterizing varieties of colength ≤4 Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Polynomial growth and identities of superalgebras and star-algebras Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Rashkova, T. The Robson cubics for matrix algebras with involution (Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform.). Altro Go to
2008 Varieties of Algebras of polynomial growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Varieties of Algebras of Polynomial Growth Proceedings Go to
2008 Kemer, A; Averyanov, I. Some problems in PI-theory (Advances in algebra and combinatorics). Altro Go to
2008 Supervarieties and *-varieties of algebras of polynomial growth Altro Go to
2008 Some varieties of algebras of polynomial growth Altro Go to
2007 Matrix algebras of polynomial codimension growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Varieties of almost polynomial growth: classifying their subvarieties Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Varietà di algebre di crescita polinomiale Proceedings Go to
2006 Polynomial identities on superalgebras: classifying linear growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 Algebras with involution with linear codimension growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 On algebras and superalgebras with linear codimension growth Proceedings Go to
2005 Varieties of superalgebras of linear growth Proceedings Go to
2005 PI-Algebras with slow codimension growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 On the graded identities and cocharacters of the algebra of 3 × 3 matrices Articolo in rivista Go to