Research Area
Active Research fields
Femicide and violence against womeviolencen
Violence of Gender, of proximity and on LGBT migrants
Social capital
Unaccompanied children and adolescent migrants in education programs
Stranger Students in secundary school
Research projects of the last 5 years
PRIN 2015
"Social representations of violence against women: the case of femicide in Italy"
From 2016 to now – Metodologist of the Laboratory “Agrigento futuro plurale”, groupo of study, research and trainership about migrations and integration in provincia of Agrigento, activated by the Course of degree in Servizio Sociale of Palermo (sede di Agrigento), in collaboration with Migrantes Agrigento, the association Assistenti sociali senza Frontiere, the AS.G.I. and Borderline Sicilia.
From Genuary 2018 Member of the Group of Research on “Unaccompanied Migrant Minors: Conceptualizations of Childhood, Child Rights and Well- Being” in the Interdisciplinary Group of Research, Education and Action on Migration and Social Work “Futuro Plurale”, Dipartimento Culture e Società, Università di Palermo and Royal Halloway University of London, co-direct by Roberta T. Di Rosa and Ravinder Barn.
From genuary 2018 - Member of Unit of Research of Università of Palermo for hte project “PRoximity On VIolence: Defence and Equity, PROVIDE” European Commission Justice Programme Proposal number: 776957 Type of action: REC-AG () Topic: REC-RDAP-VICT-AG-2016 Call: REC-VAW-AG-2016