Simulations of an off-shore WEC: analysis of the potential energy producibility in the Mediterranean Sea
- Autori: Tumminelli F.; Scozzaro M.; Nevoloso C.; Iones A.; Trapanese M.; Franzitta V.
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
- Tipologia: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
- OA Link:
Among the renewable energy sources that, by definition, are not subject to depletion, marine energy is one of the most widely available forms in the world. The exploitation of sea wave represents an important frontier for the energy sustainability, in addition to the main and well-known forms of renewable energy such as wind energy, solar energy or hydroelectric energy. The ever-increasing demand for energy means that interest in wave motion has been growing all over the world for many years now. In order to reduce the energy dependence from fossil fuels, destined to exhaustion, and to avoid the emission of several polluting substances and greenhouse gases (GHG) it is necessary to invest in new technologies and improve the efficiency of energy production plants in general. In this context, the paper propones the energy assessment of a new technology for the wave harvesting in offshore WEC, for a potential application in Mediterranean Sea.