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Energy Assessment of a Wave Energy Converter in Ustica Island. A Case Study

  • Autori: Martorana P.; Judge M.A.; Guercio A.; Franzitta V.; Franzitta M.; De Bernardis M.C.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Tipologia: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


In the global energy scenario entered the sea generation for a few years ago. This includes the exploitation of sea and ocean masses for energy production. Governments are focusing on these technologies by encouraging incentives and action plans. This paper analyzes the current situation of wave technologies and describes a case study of power generation. A wave energy converter (WEC) was modeled located on the coast of Ustica, a small island located in Sicily, Italy. The hypothesized model and electrical energy producibility will be described.