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Migrations in Tanzania between the XIX and XX centuries: Social aspects and characteristics


The salient features of Tanzanian migration are depicted through an overview of the national history. It appears that there are major differences, also in comparison with other developing countries. There are little migratory flows towards the Western world; however, internal displacement is a prominent phenomenon, as a consequence of internal political turmoil in the country. Besides the specificity of each historical periods (colonialist and socialist rule; opening to the market economy), there appears to be some common aspects regarding Tanzanian migration: the phenomenon appears to be mainly an internal forced displacement, either imposed by the Government or by the need to survive in the lack of basic conditions. Furthermore, there is a reciprocal dynamics of cause/effect in the ever-changing social system. Many aspects of the social life (traditional rural economy, the division of labour along gender lines, the distribution of "power" and responsibilities within the family, education and emancipation of the new generations) have been modified by migratory movements, which have therefore contributed to the spreading of new lifestyles.