Research Area
Active Research fields
Research projects of the last 5 years
- P.O.N. 2007-2013 – Asse I - progetti di ricerca industriale. Full title: Advanced solutions based on complex matrix composite biomaterials for minimally invasive repair and regeneration of articular cartilage." Project Acronym: SIB. Proposal number/contract number: PON01_01287.
Coordinator: Prof. Giulio Ghersi (STEBICEF – UniPa).
ROLE: Responsible for the Research Line "Synthesis and characterisation of injectable gels".
DURATION TIME: from 01-06-2011 to 30-05-2014
- Programma Operativo Nazionale. P.O.N. 2007-2013: Asse I. Asse I. Obiettivo Progetto di potenziamento strutturale.
Full title: "Mediterranean Center for Human Health Advanced Biotechnologies". Project Acronym:CHAB.
Proposal number/contract number: PONa3_00273.
Coordinator: Prof. G. Ghersi (Ufficio Ricerca –UniPa).
DURATION TIME: from 01-09-2011 to 31-08-2014
- Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale. PO FERS SICILIA 2007-2013 - Linea di intervento 4.1.2.A. Full title: “ Regional Platform for Traslational Research in Healthcare". Proposal number/contract number: CUP B65E1200057008.
Coordinator: Prof. M. Averna (Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Specialistica DIBIMIS – UniPa).
ROLE: Responsible of the Research Lines (i) "Radiation Processing for the production of polymeric nanocarriers of drugs and contrast agents"; (ii). "Radiation Processingfor the production of polymeric scaffolds for rigenerative medicine".
DURATION TIME: from 01-10-2011 to 31-12-2014
- P.O.N. 2007-2013 - Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi. Full title: “Development of Micro and Nanotechnologies for Human Health”. Project Acronym: HIPPOCRATES. Proposal number/contract number: PON02_00355_2964193.
Coordinator: Prof. G. Giammona (STEBICEF – UniPa).
ROLE: Responsible for the Research Line: "Carrier basati su micro e nanosistemi di polimeri vinilici o acrilici e/o polimeri coniugati elettroattivi o polimeri termoplastici"; Sub-line: "Nanogeli”
DURATION TIME: from 01-06-2012 to 30-05-2015
- MIUR - PRIN 2010-2011 Full title: "Nanotecnologie molecolari per il rilascio controllato di farmaci- Molecular nanotechnologies for drug controlled release".
Project Acronym: NANOMED. Proposal number/contract number: 2010FPTBSH
ROLE: Local coordinator.
DURATION TIME: from 01-02-2013 to 31-01-2016
- Horizon 2020 – Call H2020-LCE-2014-1 – Topic: LCE-01-2014 – Type of action: RIA. Proposal number: SEP-210184404. Full title: Conversion of Low Grade Heat to Power through closed loop Reverse Electro-Dialysis.
Project Acronym: RED-Heat-to-Power
Proposal contract number:640667.
International Coordinator: WIP (Germany). Local Coordinator: Prof. G.M. Micale.
ROLE: Responsible for the Sub-task 4.2.1 "Temperature sensitive hydrogels" of the Task 4.2 "Assessment of potential of forward osmosis with temperature-sensitive drawing agents." of WP4. "Regeneration systems operating with very low-Temperature source".
DURATION TIME: from: 01-05-2015 to date.
Active research
- Laser flash photolysis apparatus
- UV-vis spectrofotometer
- (Bio-)Polymer synthesis and modification
- Freeze drier
- Viscosimeter
- Ultracentrifuge
Services delivered under the right of third parties
- Study of aging phenomena of polymers and polymeric composites
- Study of gel structure and properties
- Development of strategies for improving toughness of composite laminates
- Study of high energy irradiation interaction with polymers