2024 |
Indoor laboratory experiments for beach litter spectroradiometric analyses |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Encroachment analysis of the invasive tree species Ailanthus altissima in Sicily (Italy) through an Ecohydrological cellular automata model |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2024 |
Towards microplastic hotspots detection: A comparative analysis of in-situ sampling and sea surface currents derived by HF radars |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2024 |
Integration of microseism, wavemeter buoy, HF radar and hindcast data to analyze the Mediterranean cyclone Helios |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Calibration and validation of high frequency coastal radar waves exploiting in-situ observations and modelled data in the south-west Sicily |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2023 |
Distributed FAO56 Agro-Hydrological model for irrigation scheduling in olives orchards |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2023 |
Marine plastic detection using PRISMA hyperspectral satellite imagery in a controlled environment |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2022 |
The i-waveNet project and the integrated sea wave measurements in the Mediterranean sea |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2022 |
Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean - Part 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs |
Review essay (rassegna critica) |
Vai |
2022 |
Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean - Part 1: Status of operations and a framework for future development |
Review essay (rassegna critica) |
Vai |
2021 |
Exploring the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with the simplified ‘triangle’ technique for soil water content and evaporative fraction retrievals in a Mediterranean setting |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Large-Eddy Simulation e tecnica LS-PIV: lo studio della turbolenza superficiale |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2021 |
A Geostatistical Approach to Map Near-Surface Soil Moisture through Hyperspatial Resolution Thermal Inertia |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2021 |
Toward a Comprehensive Dam Monitoring: On-Site and Remote-Retrieved Forcing Factors and Resulting Displacements (GNSS and PS–InSAR) |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Indoor spectroradiometric characterization of plastic litters commonly polluting the Mediterranean Sea: toward the application of multispectral imagery |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2020 |
Soil water content diachronic mapping: An FFT frequency analysis of a temperature–vegetation index |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Validation of HF radar sea surface currents in the Malta-Sicily Channel |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2019 |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Evaluation of different InSAR multi-baseline construction methods over a dam in southern Italy |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
The impact of soil erosion on soil fertility and vine vigor. A multidisciplinary approach based on field, laboratory and remote sensing approaches |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
On the use of the eddy covariance latent heat flux and sap flow transpiration for the validation of a surface energy balance model |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Downscaling hydrodynamics features to depict causes of major productivity of Sicilian-Maltese area and implications for resource management |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
HF radar for wind waves measurements in the Malta-Sicily Channel |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2018 |
Assessing actual evapotranspiration in irrigation districts using Landsat TM images and SEBAL model: Potential uses for irrigation monitoring |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2018 |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
Modelling soil carbon fate under erosion process in vineyard |
Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2017 |
Assessing the performance of thermal inertia and Hydrus models to estimate surface soil water content |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Detection of a reservoir water level using shape similarity metrics |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2017 |
Potential of thermal images and simulation models to assess water and salt stress: Application to potato crop in central Tunisia |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2017 |
Power sensitivity analysis of multi-frequency, multi-polarized, multi-temporal SAR data for soil-vegetation system variables characterization |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2016 |
Assessing the performance of different model-based techniques to estimate water content in the upper soil layer |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2016 |
Soil water content assessment: Seasonal effects on the triangle method |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2016 |
CALYPSO: a new HF RADAR network to monitor sea surface currents in the Malta-Sicily channel (Mediterranean sea) |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Soil water content assessment: Critical issues concerning the operational application of the triangle method |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2015 |
Testing two temporal upscaling schemes for the estimation of the time variability of the actual evapotranspiration |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2015 |
Tidal currents in the Malta - Sicily Channel from high-frequency radar observations |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2014 |
Monitoring displacements of an earthen dam using GNSS and remote sensing |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Surface soil water content estimation based on thermal inertia and bayesian smoothing |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2014 |
The synergy of water quality and sea surface currents data in
determining the spatio-temporal evolution of large-scale circulation
features |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Sinergia tra mappe di qualità delle acque e correnti superficiali nella determinazione
strutture di circolazione |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
CALYPSO, a permanent and operational network of High-Frequency radar observing systems for real-time monitoring of surface currents in the Malta-Sicily channel |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2014 |
Mapping phycocyanin cells density of Planktothrix rubescens in freshwater reservoirs |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Coastal zone water quality: Calibration of a water-turbidity equation for MODIS data |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Soil water content monitoring: a verification of thermal inertia approaches on low spatial, high temporal resolutions images |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Coupling SAR X-band and optical data for NDVI retrieval: model calibration and validation on two test areas |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2013 |
Mapping soil water content under sparse vegetation and changeable sky conditions: comparison of two thermal inertia approaches |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Coupling two RADAR backscattering models to assess soil roughness and surface water content at farm scale |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Enhancing TIR image resolution via bayesian smoothing for IRRISAT irrigation management project |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
Vai |
2013 |
Assessing daily actual evapotranspiration through energy balance: an experiment to evaluate the selfpreservation hypothesis with acquisition time |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2013 |
Critical analysis of thermal inertia approaches for surface soil water content retrieval |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2013 |
Investigating the relationship between x-band SAR data from COSMO-skymed satellite and NDVI for LAI detection |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2012 |
Planktothrix rubescens in freshwater reservoirs: remote sensing potentiality for mapping cell density |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Vegetation index retrieval by coupling optical and SAR images |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Un modello energetico-idrologico per la stima distribuita dell’evapotraspirazione alla scala di bacino: prime applicazioni |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Critical analysis of the thermal inertia approach to map soil water content under sparse vegetation and changeable sky conditions |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Time series of cosmo-skymed data for landcover classification and surface parameter retrieval over agricultural sites |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Confronto tra evapotraspirazione effettiva e potenziale idrico fogliare da dati telerilevati e micrometeorologici |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2012 |
Mapping evapotranspiration on vineyards: a comparison between Penman-Monteith and Energy Balance approaches for operational purposes |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
A diachronic analysis of estuarine turbidity due to a flood following an extreme rainfall event |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Monitoring Mediterranean marine pollution using remote sensing and hydrodynamic modelling |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
On the influences of vegetation biomass on COSMO-Skymed X-band |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Effect of morphology on remote sensing-based evapotranspiration assessment at basin scale |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
On the use of multi-temporal series of cosmo-skymed data for Landcover classification and surface parameter retrieval over Agricultural sites |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Comparing actual evapotranspiration and plant water potential on a vineyard |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Regional Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Remotely Sensed Crop Water Stress Indicators |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2011 |
Early warnings of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus infestation of Phoenix canariensis: a proximity thermal sensing approach |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Critical Analysis Of Remote Sensing Techniques To Monitor Coastal Water Quality-Related Parameters |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Surface soil humidity retrieval using remote sensing techniques: a triangle method validation |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Determinazione dell’umidità del sistema suolo-vegetazione mediante tecniche di remote sensing: una verifica del metodo triangolare |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Surface soil humidity retrieval by means of a semi-empirical coupled SAR model |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Mediterranean Maritime Pollution: The Role Of Remote Sensing To Monitor And Mitigate |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Un confronto tra stime di evapotraspirazione effettiva basate su dati telerilevati in sistemi agricoli e condizioni di stress idrico |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2010 |
Caratterizzazione della rugosità e dell’umidità del suolo tramite dati radar multifrequenza e multipolarizzazione |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2009 |
Sensitivity analysis on the relationship between vegetation growth and multi-polarized radar data |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2009 |
Stima da remoto delle caratteristiche evapotraspirative e di umidità del sistema suolo-vegetazione di un impianto viticolo su morfologia complessa |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Prevention of marine pollution from oil spill: The activities of MAPRES project |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Effects of morphology on watershed actual evapotranspiration estimation by means of SEBAL model |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Monitoring marine water quality of Sicily by means of remotely sensed imagery |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
An automatic system for water quality assessment through MODIS L1B images |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
A sensitivity analysis of a surface energy balance model to LAI (Leaf Area Index). |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Soil moisture retrieval using crop water stress indicators |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2008 |
Time series analysis of climate and vegetation variables in the Oreto watershed (Sicily, Italy) |
Articolo in rivista |
Vai |
2008 |
Utilizzo della termografia per l’individuazione dell’infestazione da punteruolo rosso, la ricerca scientifica sul punteruolo rosso e gli altri fitofagi delle palme in Sicilia |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2008 |
Misure termografiche da pallone aerostatico per la diagnosi precoce di attacchi da punteruolo rosso delle palme |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2008 |
Time Series Analysis of Climatic Vegetation Data in the Oreto Watershed in Sicily |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Comparison of Potential VS actual vegetation status by means of distributed hydrologic balance model and remote sensing data |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2007 |
Study of vegetation evolution in Sicily using time series analysis of remote sensing and climatic data. |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2007 |
Comparison of potential vs. actual vegetation status by means of distributed hydrological bilance model and remore sensing data |
Capitolo o Saggio |
Vai |
2006 |
Caratterizzazione della vegetazione mediante immagini NOAA-AVHRR e modellistica idrologica |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Tecnica Differenziale Interferometrica per l’individuazione di un dissesto: il caso della frana di Niscemi |
Proceedings |
Vai |
2005 |
Use of differential SAR interferometry for detecting and measuring ground displacement due to a extensive landslide near Niscemi (Sicily, Italy) |
Proceedings |
Vai |