2024 |
Carbon‐Based Photonic Microlabels Based on Fluorescent Nanographene‐Polystyrene Composites |
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2024 |
Critical non-Hermitian topology induced quantum sensing |
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2024 |
Maximum acceleration and quantum clock: on the existence of a new universal constant |
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2024 |
Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics |
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2024 |
Hermitian and non-Hermitian topology from photon-mediated interactions |
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2024 |
Quantum optics with giant atoms in a structured photonic bath |
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2023 |
Quantum correlations in dissipative gain - loss systems across exceptional points |
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2022 |
Controlling Atom-Photon Bound States in an Array of Josephson-Junction Resonators |
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2022 |
Quantum correlations beyond entanglement in a classical-channel model of gravity |
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2022 |
Quantum collision models: Open system dynamics from repeated interactions |
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2022 |
Non-Hermitian Physics and Master Equations |
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2022 |
Exotic interactions mediated by a non-Hermitian photonic bath |
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2021 |
Quantum correlations in PT-symmetric systems |
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2021 |
Microscopic biasing of discrete-time quantum trajectories |
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2021 |
Vacancy-like Dressed States in Topological Waveguide QED |
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2021 |
Dressed emitters as impurities |
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2020 |
Mechanism of decoherence-free coupling between giant atoms |
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2020 |
Collisional picture of quantum optics with giant emitters |
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2019 |
Quantum jump statistics with a shifted jump operator in a chiral waveguide |
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2019 |
Exciting a Bound State in the Continuum through Multiphoton Scattering
Plus Delayed Quantum Feedback |
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2018 |
System-environment correlations and Markovian embedding of quantum non-Markovian dynamics |
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2018 |
Non-Markovian dynamics from band edge effects and static disorder |
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2018 |
Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit due to single-photon scattering in a waveguide |
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2017 |
Collision models in quantum optics |
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2017 |
Composite quantum collision models |
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2017 |
Quantum Non-Markovian Piecewise Dynamics from Collision Models |
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2017 |
Quantum non-Markovianity induced by Anderson localization |
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2016 |
Class of exact memory-kernel master equations |
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2016 |
Erratum: Atom-field dressed states in slow-light waveguide QED [Phys. Rev. A 93, 033833 (2016)] |
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2016 |
Atom-field dressed states in slow-light waveguide QED |
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2016 |
Quantum-state transfer in staggered coupled-cavity arrays |
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2015 |
Landauer's Principle in Multipartite Open Quantum System Dynamics |
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2015 |
Heat flux and quantum correlations in dissipative cascaded systems |
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2015 |
Dynamical decoupling efficiency versus quantum non-Markovianity |
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2015 |
Waveguide-QED-based measurement of a reservoir spectral density |
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2014 |
Photon localization versus population trapping in a coupled-cavity array |
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2014 |
Thickness measurement of soft thin films on periodically patterned magnetic substrates by phase difference magnetic force microscopy |
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2014 |
Non-Markovianity of a quantum emitter in front of a mirror |
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2014 |
Emergence of non-Markovianity in the emission process of an atom in a half-cavity |
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2014 |
Toward computability of trace distance discord |
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2014 |
Steady-state entanglement activation in optomechanical cavities |
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2013 |
A quantum non-Markovian collision model: incoherent swap case |
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2013 |
Selective writing and read-out of a register of static qubits |
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2013 |
Collision-model-based approach to non-Markovian quantum dynamics |
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2013 |
Dynamics of spontaneous emission in a single-end photonic waveguide |
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2012 |
Local-channel-induced rise of quantum correlations in continuous-variable systems |
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2012 |
Creating quantum correlations through local non-unitary memoryless channels |
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2012 |
Quasideterministic realization of a universal quantum gate in a single scattering process |
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2011 |
Resonant atom-field interaction in large-size coupled-cavity arrays |
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2011 |
Interaction between hopping and static spins in a discrete network |
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2010 |
Implementing quantum gates through scattering between a static and a flying qubit |
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2010 |
Teleportation between distant qudits via scattering of mobile qubits |
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2010 |
Physical model for the generation of ideal resources in multipartite quantum networking |
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2009 |
Hot-electron noise suppression in n-Si via the Hall effect |
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2009 |
Reducing quantum control for spin - spin entanglement distribution. |
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2009 |
Rising time of entanglement between scattering spins, |
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2009 |
Entanglement generation between two spin-s magnetic impurities in a solid via electron scattering |
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2008 |
Extraction of Singlet States from Noninteracting High-Dimensional Spins |
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2008 |
Resilience of singlet-state extraction against non-optimal resonance conditions |
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2008 |
Teleportation of atomic states via position measurements |
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2008 |
Atomic teleportation via cavity QED and position measurements: efficiency analysis |
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2007 |
Electron Fabry-Perot interferometer with two entangled magnetic impurities |
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2007 |
Effect of Static Disorder in an Electron-Fabry Perot Interferometr with Two Quantum
Scattering Centers |
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2007 |
Entanglement-induced electron coherence in a mesoscopic ring with two magnetic impurities |
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2006 |
Entanglement controlled single- electron transmittivity |
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2006 |
Entanglement Controlled single-electron transmittivity |
Proceedings |
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2006 |
Hot electron noise in n-type GaAs in crossed electric and magnetic fields |
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2005 |
Hot electron noise in n-type semiconductors in crossed electroc and magnetic fields |
Proceedings |
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2005 |
Transverse velocity fluctuations of hot electrons in n-type GaAs in crossed electric and magnetic fields by Monte Carlo methods |
Proceedings |
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2005 |
The Casimir-Polder potential from an exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of two three-dimensional harmonic oscillators interacting with the electromagnetic field |
Proceedings |
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2005 |
Exactly solvable model of two three-dimensional harmonic oscillators interacting with the quantum electromagnetic field: The far-zone Casimir-Polder potential |
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2004 |
A microscopic monomeric mechanism for interpreting intrinsic optical bistability observed in Yb3+-doped bromide materials |
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2003 |
A New interpretation of intrinsic optical bistability observed in Yb3+-doped bromide materials |
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