Modeling ontologies for robotic environments
- Autori: Chella, Antonio*; Cossentino, Massimo; Pirrone, Roberto; Ruisi, Andrea
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2002
- Tipologia: Proceedings
- Parole Chiave: multi agent systems; ontologies; robotics; Human-Computer Interaction; Computer Networks and Communications; 1707; Software
- OA Link:
On the basis of a multiple abstraction levels specification process, we developed a representational model for environmental robotic knowledge through the definition of a set of ontologies using a multi perspective approach. A general ontological model for typical indoor environments has been first developed, followed by its specialization using an implementation perspective. Actual software implementation of the ontology has been obtained via a XML-based markup language, used to build a repository for robotic environmental knowledge. Copyright 2002 ACM.