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Néixer de les entranyes d'una dona morta: Pasolini i la generaciò dels fills


Through the analysis of some poems of the vast production of Pier Paolo Pasolini I try to summarize some traits of the expressiveness of the poet, circumscribing its contours within the terms of the generational dialectic. A dialectic that assumes the features of an unresolved confrontation that sees the Poet withdrawing, self-exclusion, renouncing integration and beating the path of the outcast, who nourishes the victim's myth and assumes the connotations of the scapegoat to the extreme. In the complex symbolic network that Pasolini intertwines with reality, the relationship with the Mother and the Father takes on a peculiar meaning because it defines the impossibility of a transgenerational relationship. In the incapacity of becoming an adult, Pasolini-son can only live the relationship with the symbolic Mother in a state of adoring sublimation and that with the Generational Fathers in an unsolvable conflict. Therefore, a paradoxical vitalism, which lives of and in its constitutive inability to evolve and progress in the direction of a mature relationship in which the Son / s can finally become Father and generate by offering a legacy, an inheritance, is configured.