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El coste de una decisión que se no quiere tomar. Observaciones acerca de la introducción del delito de tortura en el ordenamiento italiano y un esbozo de reformulación de la idea de legislador racional


After a difficult and disputed drafting, on July 5, 2017, the Italian Parliament approved the Act n. 110/2017, which introduced the crime of torture in Italy The lack of will of Italian Parliament in promulgating the law, even though Strasbourg Court urged in several occasion to reform the law in order to avoid cases of insufficient sanctions in case of violation of art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, can be explained through a redefinition of the model of legislative rationality: legislator might be considered rational when it enacts ambiguous legislative texts at the lowest electoral cost if it urged to do by the pressure of supranational jurisdictions. Finally, even though this act needs continuous intervention by the judges, who could adopt the role of substitute legislators (thus violating the legality principle), the norms enacted might be considered “ethically justified” since enhance legal remedies against torture. For, our redefinition of rational legislator does not imply a form of moral scepticism in public affairs.