Il dynamic business modelling per lo sviluppo e la prevenzione delle crisi delle piattaforme multi-sided
- Autori: Bivona, Enzo
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2021
- Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link:
Over the last few decades, the sharing economy diffusion has implemented continu- ous changes in business model opportunities with multi-sided platforms (MSPs). MSPs are digital exchange platforms that connect unmatched demand and supply side participants through internet technology. Success examples of such businesses are Airbnb, Amazon, Uber, and Just Eat. How- ever, in many cases, such initiatives also experience high growth followed by a rapid failure. Due to MSPs peculiar and complex characteristics, this study suggests adopt- ing the dynamic business modeling (DBM) perspective. The DBM aims to make explicit reinforcing and balancing cause-and-effect relationships among strategic re- sources, value drivers, and firm performance. The paper illustrates the DBM appli- cation through a case study of a failed MSP (Take Eat Easy). Findings show that the DBM can effectively support MSP entrepreneurs to develop performance measure- ment systems and to identify strategy levers on which to act in order to strengthen favorably (or to weaken, which is not desired) value creation and value capture pro- cesses to maintain rapid growth (or to avoid failure) over time.