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Commercial and financial policies in family firms: The small business growth management flight simulator

  • Autori: Bianchi C.; Bivona E.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2000
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • Parole Chiave: management flight simulator; organizational learning; simulation; small business management decision making;
  • OA Link:


An interactive learning environment (ILE) was built to reproduce the budgeting process of a small family-owned entrepreneurial firm and to capture how current decisions affect business growth in a longer time horizon. The ILE matches the accounting-related perspective through which spreadsheet-based budgets are drawn up, with the system dynamics (SD) view. Such a goal has been pursued through a connection of traditional Excel spreadsheets with POWERSIM SD models. Playing the SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH MANAGEMENT FLIGHT SIMULATOR allows one to learn how (a) to draw up a budget based on an SD perspective, (b) long-term goals may be affected by current decisions, (c) business/family survival and growth are strongly influenced by current policies, and (d) linking short-to medium-and long-term policies and commercial to financial and equity management issues is critical to business growth. © 2000, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.