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Curriculum and Research


Academic Year Subject identification code Subject name ECTS Course of study


Date Title Type Record
2024 Polypropylene microfibers negatively affect soybean growth and nitrogen fixation regardless of soil type and mycorrhizae presence Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Conventional tillage versus no-tillage: Nitrogen use efficiency component analysis of contrasting durum wheat genotypes grown in a Mediterranean environment Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Nitrogen fertilization and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi do not mitigate the adverse effects of soil contamination with polypropylene microfibers on maize growth Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Transcriptome changes induced by Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in leaves of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) promote higher salt tolerance Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Polyester microplastic fibers in soil increase nitrogen loss via leaching and decrease plant biomass production and N uptake Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Polyester Microplastic Fibers affect Soil Physical Properties and Erosion as a Function of Soil Type Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Early sowing can boost grain production by reducing weed infestation in organic no-till wheat Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Nitrogen Availability Drives Mycorrhizal Effects on Wheat Growth, Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery under Salt Stress Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Le varietà di grano duro per le semine 2021. Sicilia Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Long-term effects of contrasting tillage systems on soil C and N pools and on main microbial groups differ by crop sequence Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Addition of high C:N crop residues to a P-limited substrate constrains the benefits of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis for wheat P and N nutrition Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Morphological and physiological root traits and their relationship with nitrogen uptake in wheat varieties released from 1915 to 2013 Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Mycorrhizae differentially influence the transfer of nitrogen among associated plants and their competitive relationships Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Nitrogen Type and Availability Drive Mycorrhizal Effects on Wheat Performance, Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery, and Production Sustainability Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Qualità del grano duro nell’annata agraria 2018-2019 Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Duro biologico, cosa emerge Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Resa e qualità del grano duro in coltivazione biologica Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Impacts of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on nutrient uptake, N2 fixation, N transfer, and growth in a wheat/faba bean intercropping system Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Grano duro biologico: i consigli varietali. Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Le varietà di grano duro bio per le prossime semine. Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Identification of microRNAS differentially regulated by water deficit in relation to mycorrhizal treatment in wheat Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Long-term effects of contrasting tillage on soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions in a Mediterranean Vertisol under different crop sequences Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Switching from conventional tillage to no-tillage: Soil N availability, N uptake,15N fertilizer recovery, and grain yield of durum wheat Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Long-term no-tillage application increases soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide emissions and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yields under rain-fed Mediterranean conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Campagna 2018 da dimenticare per l’orzo da birra. Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Frumento duro: le migliori varietà bio. Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Nitrogen Transfer Is Enhanced By AMF Fungi In A Faba Bean/Wheat Intercropping eedings Go to
2018 Yield And Competitive Ability Against Weeds Of Mixtures Between Old And Modern Wheat Varieties eedings Go to
2018 Early Sowing Allows To Reduce Weed Pressure In No-Till Organic Durum Wheat Production eedings Go to
2018 Grano duro biologico: varietà a confronto. Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Pessima annata produttiva per l’orzo zootecnico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Scorpiurus muricatus L.: an interesting legume species for Mediterranean forage systems eedings Go to
2017 Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Valutazione dei risultati produttivi delle prove nazionali 2016-2017. Orzo: buoni risultati produttivi nonostante i mesi siccitosi. Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Risultati produttivi e qualitativi delle prove varietali 2016-2017: Annata positiva per l’orzo da birra al Centro-Sud Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Varietà di grano duro per il biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Mediterranean forage legumes grown alone or in mixture with annual ryegrass: biomass production, N2 fixation, and indices of intercrop efficiency Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as Potential Feedstock for Biofuel and Protein Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Long-term effects of no tillage treatment on soil N availability, N uptake, and 15N-fertilizer recovery of durum wheat differ in relation to crop sequence Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Le varietà di grano duro più vocate al biologico Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Annata straordinaria per l’orzo al Nord Italia Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Speciale orzo: produzioni ottime al Nord e buone al Centro-Sud Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Development of a method for the direct fermentation of semolina by selected sourdough lactic acid bacteria Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Malattie fungine più diffuse sui frumenti biologici Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Le varietà migliori per l’orzo da birra Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Grano duro biologico, le migliori varietà nelle prove 2015-2016 Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Microbial biomass carbon dynamics in a long-term tillage and crop rotation experiment under semiarid Mediterranean conditions eedings Go to
2015 Weed seedbank size and composition in a long-term tillage and crop sequence experiment Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Metabolomics Suggests That Soil Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Decreased Free Amino Acid Content in Roots of Durum Wheat Grown under N-Limited, P-Rich Field Conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Orzo da zootecnia: ripresa al Centro, cali al Sud Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Orzo da malto, quali varietà scegliere Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Morpho-agronomic and genetic diversity among twelve Sicilian agro-ecotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris) Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Nitrogen uptake and nitrogen fertilizer recovery in old and modern wheat genotypes grown in the presence or absence of interspecific competition Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Grano duro biologico: le varietà più adatte Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Conservation tillage in a semiarid Mediterranean environment: results of 20 years of research Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) leaves and stems as a potential biofuel feedstock eedings Go to
2014 Varietà di orzo zootecnico: bene al Sud, meno al Nord Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on total plant nitrogen uptake and nitrogen recovery from soil organic material Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Al centro-nord vince la pioggia, bene solo il Meridione Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Le varietà per l’orzo da malto Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Rese e qualità del grano duro in coltivazione biologica. Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Frumento duro biologico, le varietà consigliate Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Biomass Production and Nitrogen Fixation of Berseem Clover Plants Subjected to Water Stress. Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Effetti della Modalità di Gestione del Suolo e dell’Avvicendamento Colturale sulla Dinamica delle Popolazioni di Infestanti nel Frumento Duro in Ambiente Mediterraneo. eedings Go to
2013 Molecular and agronomic responses to plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in durum wheat eedings Go to
2013 Cut and post-cut herbage management affects berseem clover seed yield. Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Le performance varietali del frumento duro biologico Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Varietà di grano duro per la coltivazione in bio. Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) seed production in Mediterranean environments. Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Tecniche conservative di gestione del suolo in ambiente mediterraneo: risultati di un ventennio di sperimentazioni. eedings Go to
2013 Valutazione dell’Abilità Competitiva nei Confronti delle Malerbe di Genotipi Antichi e Moderni di Frumento Duro. eedings Go to
2013 Long-term tillage and crop sequence effects on wheat grain yield and quality. Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Varietà di orzo da malto per la produzione della birra. Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Piogge interminabili rese in forte calo Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 The critical period of weed control in faba bean and chickpea in Mediterranean areas Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Molecular characterization of Sicilian lentil ecotypes using ISSR. eedings Go to
2013 Varietà di orzo zootecnico: risultati produttivi e qualitativi. Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant nitrogen capture from organic matter added to soil? eedings Go to
2012 Effects of soil inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and nutrient uptake of some Mediterranean species grown under rainfed field conditions eedings Go to
2012 Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on the nitrogen uptake of three durum wheat genotypes from two different organic sources eedings Go to
2012 Molecular and agronomic responses to soil inoculation with plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizae in Triticum durum eedings Go to
2012 Le varietà di orzo disponibili per la produzione della birra Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Tillage effects on yield and nitrogen fixation of legumes in Mediterranean conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Rese e qualità del grano duro in coltivazione biologica Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Le migliori varietà in prova di frumento duro biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Risultati del confronto tra varietà di orzo zootecnico Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Speciale orzo: un'annata al limite della perfezione. Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Faba bean grain yield, N2 fixation, and weed infestation in a long-term tillage experiment under rainfed Mediterranean conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Individuazione del periodo critico per il controllo delle infestanti in cece e favino. eedings Go to
2011 Forage production, N uptake, N2 fixation, and N recovery of berseem clover grown in pure stand and in mixture with annual ryegrass under different managements Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Effects of stubble height and cutting frequency on regrowth of berseem clover in a Mediterranean semiarid environment Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Rese e qualità del grano duro per la coltivazione biologica Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Effects of feeding green forage of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) on lamb growth and carcass and meat quality. Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Pheno-morphological, agronomic and genetic diversity among natural populations of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) collected in Sicily, Italy. Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Effetti della modalità di utilizzazione sulla produttività e sull’azotofissazione simbiotica del Trifolium squarrosum allevato in purezza o in consociazione con Avena sativa. eedings Go to
2011 Attitudine alla consociazione di diverse leguminose foraggere mediterranee. eedings Go to
2011 Gli orzi da birra per le semine 2011-12. Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Guida alla scelta delle varietà di orzo per la zootecnia Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Speciale Orzo. Produzioni record al sud. Il nord soffre la pioggia Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Scelta delle varietà più adatte per il frumento duro biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Effects of intraspecific competition on growth and seed yield of contrasting sulla genotypes. eedings Go to
2010 Nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer recovery of durum wheat genotypes as affected by interspecific competition. Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Variation in pheno-morphological and agronomic traits among burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.) populations collected in Sicily, Italy. Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Forage yield and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum in pure stand and in mixture with Lolium multiflorum. eedings Go to
2010 Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on growth and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum under late drought stress conditions. eedings Go to
2009 Valutazione energetica delle colture da biodiesel in ambiente mediterraneo. Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Energy use efficiency of livestock farms in a mountain area of Sicily. Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Effects of harvesting methods on seed yield and quality of Scorpiurs muricatus L.. eedings Go to
2009 Productivity of an Atriplex halimus shrubbery and effects of grazing on lambs Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Nitrogen efficiency in wheat as affected by crop rotation, tillage and N fertilization. eedings Go to
2009 Effetti della consociazione temporanea con favino sulla produttività e qualità del frumento duro in sistemi biologici. eedings Go to
2009 Micotossine: nessun problema nel grano duro biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Rese e qualità di varietà di grano duro in biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Effetti della competizione interspecifica sull’efficienza di utilizzazione dell’azoto in differenti genotipi di frumento duro al variare della disponibilità azotata. eedings Go to
2009 Pheno-morphological and agronomic diversity among Scorpiurus muricatus (Fabaceae) natural populations collected in Sicily. Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Valutazione di varietà di trifoglio alessandrino allevate in coltura pura e in consociazione con loiessa in regime biologico. Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 Le varietà per il duro biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Influenza di alcune tecniche agronomiche sulla produzione di seme di sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) allevata con metodo biologico in ambiente mediterraneo. Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 Valutazione di accessioni di trifoglio squarroso ed incarnato allevate con metodo biologico in coltura pura ed in consociazione con loiessa in ambiente mediterraneo. Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2008 Valutazione di genotipi di frumento duro in regime biologico in ambiente semi-arido mediterraneo. Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2007 Rese e qualità del grano duro in coltivazione biologica. Articolo in rivista Go to
2007 Characterization and preliminary evaluation of wild genetic resources of Hedysarum coronarium L. collected in Sicily. eedings Go to
2007 Valutazione dell'efficienza d'uso dell'azoto in genotipi di frumento duro in ambiente mediterraneo eedings Go to
2007 Hardseededness and patterns of seed softening in burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.). eedings Go to
2007 Genetic diversity and potential agronomic value of Medicago polymorpha L. populations collected in Sicily. eedings Go to
2007 Strategies of weed control in organic seed production of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) in a Mediterranean environment. eedings Go to
2007 Forage and seed yield of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) varieties and landraces in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. eedings Go to
2007 Effects of harvest date on seed yield and quality of Scorpiurus muricatus L.. eedings Go to
2007 Caratterizzazione fitopastorale e produttività di pascoli naturali ricadenti nel territorio del Parco dei Nebrodi. eedings Go to
2007 Azotofissazione nel cece in ambiente mediterraneo. eedings Go to
2007 Performance of berseem clover varieties grown in organic farming in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment. eedings Go to
2006 Effects of grain legume crops on yield and quality of subsequent wheat crop grown at several rates of applied nitrogen eedings Go to
2006 Risposta di genotipi siciliani di lenticchia (Lens culinaris Medik.) in diversi ambienti collinari Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 Varietà di grano duro a confronto in biologico. Articolo in rivista Go to
2005 Forage quality and yield of berseem clover and annual ryegrass grown in pure and mixed stands in relation to different N application rates eedings Go to
2005 Effects of supplemental irrigation on berseem seed crop in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment eedings Go to
2005 Agroecosystem performances of livestock farms in a mountain area of Sicily eedings Go to
2005 Effect of defoliation management and plant arrangement on yield and N2 fixation of berseem-annual ryegrass mixture eedings Go to
2005 Annata critica per il tenore proteico del frumento duro biologico Articolo in rivista Go to
2005 Effects of feeding green forage of dsulla on lamb growth, gastrointestinal nematode parasite infestation, carcass and meat quality Altro Go to
2005 Condensed tannins content in sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as affected by environment, genotype and growth stage eedings Go to
2004 Productivity and canopy modification of Medicago arborea as affected by defoliation management and genotype in a Mediterranean environment Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Technical note: Comparison of techniques for evaluating the relative preference by sheep among saltbush clones Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Wheat yield and grain quality as affected by tillage, sowing time and nitrogen fertilization under rainfed Mediterranean conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Nitrogen efficiency component analysis in wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions: effects of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization Articolo in rivista Go to
2004 Realizzazione e gestione degli inerbimenti nelle colture arboree Capitolo o Saggio Go to