Educational aims
Graduates should acquire: 1. General groundings in the business-economic, general economic, mathematical-statistical and legal fields, necessary to acquire a first critical awareness of the structures, functions, processes and systems of all business types (private, public and non-profit ones), with respect to their conditions, from constitution o the termination, and the main events of operation; 2. The most important theoretical and technical issues of economic and business subjects, with respect to: - The institutional and administrative areas of organisation, management, survey and governance; - The respective most important functional sub-areas such as: (human resources selection and training, job description and evaluation, decision-making and responsibility models, Finance, Marketing, Production, Distribution, General and Analytical Accounting, Budgeting, Cost Analysis, Management Control, Planning, Reporting, Business Strategies, General and specific Policies, etc. - The relevant applications to the most popular classes of companies by sector (industrial, commercial, services and public administration), by size (small, medium and large), to technology (backward, mature, advanced, etc.). 3. The main competences and some related working skills which are needed for the occupational and professional opportunities specifically provided for graduates of the Course, first and foremost those aimed at their future work as accounting experts and, more generally, as business consultants. 4. Basic computing skills and written and spoken knowledge of one or two European Union languages, besides Italian. The principles of the University system, the educational objectives of the class and the specific objectives of the course drive the educational programme to the best possible balance between the demands for methodological and content training (to be finalized towards subsequent and higher educational programmes, such as, in particular, first level University master courses, specialist courses, 2nd cycle degree courses, second level University master courses and PhD programs, as well as lifelong learning) and the skills and abilities which could be more or less immediately employable in the labour market. The interdisciplinary versatility of the field of study of the L18 degree class and the professional and territorial variety of possible employment opportunities over time, suggest a qualified generalist approach rather than a predetermination referable to a specific sector of reference and/or type of company. Therefore, the Degree Course provides solid common groundings in basic and class-specific subjects, together with, related and integrative subjects. The course takes place not only in Palermo, but also in Agrigento; the latter, in particular, is designed for the territorial specificities job opportunities: business consultancy with solid legal groundings, commercial administration and promotion, small and medium-companies with highlights on the management of the organizational dynamics of these classes of companies, attention to the trends of circular economy and of social innovation.
work perspectives
Profile: Graduate in Economics and Business Administration Functions: Employee or expert in organizational functions Skills: Design, implementation and control of organizations in companies and among companies: tasks analysis and evaluation; articulations of functions, decisions and responsibilities; personnel selection, training and administration; etc. Professional opportunities: Employment in private and public companies in all goods and services production sectors, entailing one or more hierarchical levels of such functions in their organization charts. Employment in private organizations or public institutions dealing with the organizations of the aforementioned classes of companies. Independent collaboration and individual or associated consultancy. The following free regulated professions: 1) Accounting experts (Section B of the Board of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Professionals), subject to training and national qualification examination; 2) Labour consultants, after at least two years internship and national qualification examination; 3) Continuation of studies with first level Master courses and with the subsequent 2nd cycle Degree in Economics and business sciences. Profile: Graduate in Economics and Business Administration Functions: Employee or expert in management functions Skills: Management Planning, implementation and control of in companies and among companies; Procurement and transformation of production factors; Logistics; research and fundraising; Sale of goods and services produced; Distribution channels; Marketing issues, etc. Professional opportunities: Employment in the classes of companies of every legal nature (private or public), production of the relevant goods and services (primary, secondary, more or less advanced tertiary), dimensional structure (small, medium or large), territorial projection (local, delocalized, transnational, etc.), technology used (backward, mature or advanced), etc. , which provide for one or more hierarchical levels of these functions in their organization charts; Employment in private bodies (assistance, representation, protection and similar) or public institutions (address, coordination, control and the like) dealing with the aforementioned classes of companies. Self-employment of more or less coordinated and continuous collaboration, individual or associated consultancy and exercise of the following free regulated professions: 1) Accounting experts (Section B of the Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Professionals), subject to training and national qualification examination; 2) Labour consultancy, after at least two years internship and national qualification examination. Continuation of studies with first level Master's and with the subsequent 2nd cycle Degree in Economics and business sciences. Profile: Graduate in Economics and Business Administration Functions: Employee or expert in surveying functions Skills: Programming, implementation and control of surveys in companies and among companies: keeping of mandatory books; elementary cash, portfolio, warehouse records, etc. .; Systematic general and analytical accounting records; Different financial, economic, equity, social and environmental financial statements; Indicators of administrative situations, performance; Management control; Different extraordinary and estimative determinations; Elementary statistics; administrative reports; etc. Professional opportunities: Employment in the classes of companies of every legal nature (private or public), production of the relevant goods and services (primary, secondary, more or less advanced tertiary), dimensional structure (small, medium or large), territorial projection (local, delocalized, transnational, etc.), technology used (backward, mature or advanced), etc. , which provide for one or more hierarchical levels of these functions in their organization charts; Employment in private bodies (assistance, representation, protection and similar) or public institutions (address, coordination, control and the like) dealing with the aforementioned classes of companies . Self-employment of more or less coordinated and continuous collaboration, individual or associated consultancy and exercise of the following free regulated professions: 1) Accounting experts (Section B of the Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Professionals), subject to training and national qualification examination; 2) Auditors, subject to a three-year internship and national qualification examination; 3) Labour consultants, after at least two years internship and national qualification examination; 4) Tax consultants, after two to five years’ work, in the sector or in other contiguous ones. Continuation of studies with first level Master Degrees and with the subsequent 2nd cycle Degree in Economics and business sciences. Profile: Graduate in Economics and Business Administration Functions: Employee or expert in governance functions Skills: Planning, implementation and control of the governance in companies and among companies; Synthesis and coordination among The functions of organization, management and detection of greater strategic importance for higher levels of administration. Professional opportunities: Employment in the classes of companies of every legal nature (private or public), production of the relevant goods and services (primary, secondary, more or less advanced tertiary), dimensional structure (small, medium or large), territorial projection (local, delocalized, transnational, etc.), technology used (backward, mature or advanced), etc. , which provide for one or more hierarchical levels of these functions in their organization charts; Employment in private bodies (assistance, representation, protection and similar) or public institutions (address, coordination, control and the like) dealing with the aforementioned classes of companies. Self-employment of more or less coordinated and continuous collaboration, individual or associated consultancy and exercise of the free regulated profession of Accounting experts (Section B of the Association of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Professionals), subject to training and national qualification examination; 2) Auditors, subject to a three-year internship and national qualification examination; 3) Labour consultants, after at least two years internship and national qualification examination; 4) Tax consultants, after two to five years’ work, in the sector or in other contiguous ones. Continuation of studies with first level Master Degrees and with the subsequent 2nd cycle Degree in Economics and business sciences.
Characteristics of the final exam
In accordance with the regulations for the final examination of the Degree Course, to obtain the degree students must have acquired 180 credits including those related to the final exam. The final exam aims at assessing the level of maturity and the critical skills of undergraduates, with reference to the knowledge acquired during the activities provided by the course programme. The final exam consists of an interview, in accordance with the rules defined in the regulations on the final exam of the Degree Course for each academic year, in respect of the timing, ministerial requirements and the relevant guidelines of the University.