Research projects
PRIN 2022
Anno | Titolo del progetto | Responsabile Scientifico |
2022 | Renata Vinci | |
2022 | Cristina Rognoni | |
2022 | Ida Fazio | |
2022 | Matteo Di Gesù | |
2022 |
1920 - 2020 Phantasmagories of war in contemporary literary experiences |
Daniela Tononi |
2022 |
Toponimia orale in Sicilia, tra storia e spazi vissuti. Un modello digitale, lessicografico e atlantistico |
Marina Calogera Castiglione |
2022 |
Young new migrants, multilingual spaces and Italian non native language between spontaneous and guided learning |
Maria D'Agostino |
2022 | ||
2022 |
Morfologie del popolo (Italia, secc. XII-XVI) |
Anno | Titolo del progetto | Responsabile Scientifico |
2022 | Anna Sica | |
2022 | Alice Pugliese | |
2022 | ||
2022 | ||
2022 |
Literature of Socialist Trauma: Mapping and Researching the Lost Page of European Literature |
PRIN 2017-2020
Anno | Titolo del progetto | Responsabile Scientifico |
2020 | Old Occitan Corpus (CAO 2) | Francesco Carapezza |
2017 | Il Paesaggio Meridiano nel Cinema Italiano Non-Fiction 1948-1968 | Alessia Cervini |
2017 | Designing Effective Policies for Politically Correct: a Rhetorical/Pragmatic Model of Total Speech Situation | Piazza Francesca |
2017 | Parts of speech meet rhetorics: searching for syntax in the continuity between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age | Anna Maria Bartolotta |
2017 | Mapping Musical Life. Urban Culture and the Local Press in the Post-Unification Italy | Anna Tedesco |
- “Sustainable Art’s Scope and Impact in Southwestern Europe: Palermo as a showcase”- Framing and Assessing Public Engagement, Aesthetic Response and Behavioural Change on Sustainability Challenges through Art Activism and Participatory Practices – Prof. Diego Mantoan
- Language and law between exclusion and inclusion – Prof. Salvatore Di Piazza
- Traduzione audiovisiva e servizi integrati per una cultura accessibile: Audiodescrizione per ciechi – Prof.ssa Floriana Di Gesù
AIM Projects (Attraction and International Mobility)
The project aims to deepen and expand the collaboration activities, both in teaching and in research, with École Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi (Tétouan, Morocco), in the context of accessibility to audiovisual, museum and tourist systems.The field is in fact absent in the training offer of the Moroccan Institute, a reference center for higher education for Morocco, based in the international crossroads for the southern coast of the Mediterranean that represents Tangier.Furthermore, three years ago LM 38 started the SOSAC Postgraduate Course with good results, which aims to train subtitles and audio descriptors in the field of translation from French, English, Spanish, German, Arabic and Russian.Among the goals, therefore: - To provide partners with the opportunity to expand their training offer, aiming at a high degree of specialization of necessary and highly requested professional figures both nationally and internationally. - Offer the partner the opportunity to get in touch with the Sicilian and Italian agencies specialized in the project, to start working relationships that can be carried out even at a distance, from their country of residence. - Create a fruitful exchange of teaching and scientific skills between the two Universities in the field of translation, in general, for International Relations. - Start the process of inserting Italian among the studied languages in the partner center, for a more dynamic cultural dialogue between the two countries. Prof. Assunta Polizzi
World Humanities Report
("expert report" by Prof. Valentina Castagna as a contribution to the European section of the World Humanities Report)
PRIN 2015
- Perception, Performativity and cognitive Sciences – Carapezza Marco
- Proteus. An interpretative database of the Greek and Roman mythical lore - Picone Giusto
Scientific Idependence of young Researchers (SIR)
- Textual Genetics and chaotic system. A new approach to the writing process – Tononi Daniela