International Students
Mobility information: https://www.unipa.it/mobilita/en/
Enrolment: https://www.unipa.it/mobilita/en/new-students/new-students---enrolment/
Scholarships: https://www.unipa.it/mobilita/en/new-students/scholarship-for-international-students/
General Information
The Master's Degree program provides theoretical, experimental, and practical skills on data representation and computation, for efficient and intelligent information processing. The program covers transversal topics in Data, Algorithms, and Machine Intelligence, as well as in-depth studies in application areas where data are big, relations are complex, and machine-learning structures are deep.
Classes taught in English:
Combinatorial and Probabilistic Algorithms
Big data management
Multisensory data exploration
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Information theory and data compression
Data encryption and codes
Cloud and high performance computing
Complex networks
Artificial intelligence and deep learning
Machine intelligence for optimization
Information retrieval and natural language processing
Pattern Discovery for Life Sciences
One of the following:
Italian Bachelor (Laurea) in
L-31 scienze e tecnologie informatiche;
L-35 scienze matematiche;
L-8 ingegneria dell’informazione;
L-41 statistica;
L-30 scienze e tecnologie fisiche;
Any Italian Bachelor (Laurea) or Master (Laurea Magistrale) including 12CFU (ECTS credits) of Mathematics and Physics, and 24 CFU of Computer and Information Sciences;
Any foreign Degree that is equivalent to those described in points a) and b).
English language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Didactic Operational Unit
Dott.ssa Bartolo Silvana – Sig.ra Cassarà Giovanna - Via Archirafi 34 Palermo, e-mail: cicsi@unipa.it
Per qualsiasi richiesta riguardante la didattica si prega di contattare la segreteria per e-mail
Orario di ricevimento – previo appuntamento (cicsi@unipa.it)
Da settembre a giugno: lunedì dalle ore 10:30 alle 12:30 e giovedì dalle ore 15:30 alle 16:30.
- luglio: lunedì e mercoledì dalle ore 10:30 alle 12:30.
- agosto: chiusura.
N.B. In ottemperanza a quanto previsto dal D. Lgs.179/2016, tutte le istanze (debitamente compilate e firmate) dovranno essere inoltrate (in pdf) esclusivamente per posta elettronica (cicsi@unipa.it) dal proprio indirizzo di posta istituzionale “nome.cognome@community.unipa.it”.