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IEGE-01/A – Business and Management Engineering



Main research activities are: STRATEGIC AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT (Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing, Corporate Venture Capital networks, Venture Capital networks and startup performance Business Model Innovation, Internet of Things Business Model, Social Innovation Business Model, Disruptive Business Model, Health care Business Model), BUSINESS PROCESSES, OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (healthcare operations management, service operations, sustainable operations, behavioral operations, humanitarian operations management), MARKETING (crowdfunding, sharing economy, online platforms, pricing, distribution channels, Internet-enable business models, social-media marketing), CORPORATE FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS (behavioural economics/finance, decision making under uncertainty, real options, capital structure and firm performance, experimental economics, R&D portfolio management, ).

The active research subjects are:

  • Strategic and innovation management: the scientific activity of the Innovation Management group is mainly focused on the study of the Open Innovation paradigm. Specifically, the activity of the group is focused around two research areas of Open Innovation, the first is the Crowdsourcing and the second concerns the study of Corporate Venture Capital investments. Moreover, the scientific activity of the group has recently been interested in the study of Disruptive Innovation and Regional Innovation Networks.
  • Business processes, operations and supply chain management: the Management Engineering group has a consolidated tradition in doing research in the field of Business processes, Operations and Supply chain management. In particular, the group is specialized in healthcare operations management, service operations, sustainable operations, behavioral operations, humanitarian operations management, new product development, business process reengineering. For about 20 years the group has been attending the most important international conferences in operations management, such as the EurOMA Annual Conference and the POMS Annual Conference and has held leading positions (President and member of the board of directors) within the most acknowledged international scientific associations and communities. In addition, the group has leaded numerous funded industrial research projects, but also consultancy projects in the area of business processes, operations and supply chain management.
  • Marketing: regarding the Marketing research area, research activities are generally related to the study of business models based on Internet-enabled platforms. Specifically, research activities aims to understand a) the role of crowdfunding as a market signal; b) the impact of sharing economy on traditional business models, consumers, and environment; c) the most recent evolutions of social media marketing. Various research projects are active on the cited fields with numerous international (e.g., University of California at Davis, University of Pittsburgh, Warwick Business School, University of Tennessee Knoxville) and national (e.g., Politecnico di Bari, Sapienza Università di Roma, Università di Bergamo, Università di Pisa, Università di Siena) collaborations.
  • Corporate finance and investments: the Corporate finance and investment research focuses on the effect of the firm’s capital structure on the firm’s performance, with a particular emphasis on the role of the financial slack. Moreover, the scientific activity addresses the cognitive biases affecting managerial decision especially in uncertain scenario and real options as tool for the R&D portfolio management.

Main research projects: 

  • PROGETTI: IDEHA: Innovation for data processing in cultural heritage, PON 2014-2020;
  • OK-INSAID (Operational Knowledge from Insights and Analytics on Industrial Data) – Partner del progetto. Bando: PON e FSC - Fabbrica Intelligente - domanda ARS01_00917;
  • FINDUSTRY 4.0 (Future Internet for Industry 4.0) – Convenzione con Engineering SpA.


Keywords: Innovation Management, Strategy, Marketing, Corporate Finance, Operations, Organization.