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Course presentation and educational aims






Electrical Engineering; Low carbon energetics and innovative nuclear systems






Eleonora Riva Sanseverino


Marco Beccali

Research visits abroad

6 months

email address for official communications 


Maria Luisa Di Silvestre

Educational Activities Delegate Rossano Musca
Web & Communications Francesco Guarino
Quality Assurance Delegate Mariarosa Giardina
Student Representatives Alessio Di Fatta (cycle 38); Miriam Mantegna (Cycle 39); Sofia Maggio (cycle 40)

Presentation and educational aims

Innovation in the energy sector is recognized as a strategic factor for achieving the European climate neutrality objectives by 2050. The need to decarbonise the energy and transport sector by strengthening their accessibility, reliability, safety and skills also through ICT technologies is the main driver of the research activities underlying the PhD in "Energy". It offers a training program for research and development of sustainable solutions for the generation, transport, storage, distribution, measurement and use of energy. In addition to this, the attention to the territory and to the internal and marginal areas acts as a lever for local development in a manner consistent with the European, national and regional perspectives. The collaborations of the teachers of the PhD board with prestigious foreign universities and the participation in the PhD board of internationally known foreign experts will create a continuous comparison with the state of the art. The PhD researcher in "Energy" will have skills in the areas of energy and of applications of ICT to energy, but will also gain an interdisciplinary vision for the study and development of organizational, managerial, commercial and complex energy technology models.

Employment and career for PhDs in ‘Energy’

The collaboration with national and international companies and research bodies allows the researcher in 'Energy' to have a privileged relationship with the job market, mediated by the university tutor and guided by an internationally knownboard. The training in many cases will take place through the attendance of research and development departments in the industrial field. The entry into the job market is not limited to the industrial sphere, but includes public administrations and consultancy in specialized technical roles, as well as the management of research projects and human resources. The professionals trained by the PhD in ‘Energy’ are researchers, project manager s or professionals in sectors such as thermo-technical, thermophysical and nuclear, energy, mobility and electrical systems, civil and acoustic, electrical and electronic measurements. The companies of the electricity and energy sector, also in Sicily, also offer an employment perspective for the planning, control and monitoring of the power and electrical data infrastructures; for the production of electricity from renewable and traditional sources, also for zero net energy buildings and systems; for the development and design of electric drives for industrial automation and electric traction as well as for savings and energy efficiency; for the search for nuclear solutions.