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To submit any type of request to the Council of the Master Program (CICS) please use the UNIPA Student Portal


What to do for the Erasmus program
Check the Eramsus webpage 


What to do to prepare the thesis
1. Check the Regulation for the Final Examination
2. Contat the selected Supervisor to agree upon the topic for the thesis
3. Fill out the Thesis Assignment Request Form. This form has to be filled and signed by the student and the supervisor, then the student will upload it to the following link, entering the required data (please use the community.unipa account

How to write the Long Abstract of the Master Thesis
Click HERE to download the guidlines for writing the Long Abstract of the Master Thesis


What to do to apply for accreditation of ECTS for Other Educational Activities
Click HERE to read the procedures to be followed for the recognition of ECTS for Other Educational Activities
Click HERE to download the form