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Short course "Advanced Electronic System Design"


We are pleased to announce a short course titled "Advanced Electronic System Design" that will take place on 10, 17, 24, 31 March 2025, from 15:00 to 17:00 (Aula Savagnone, Building 9).
The short course will be led by Ing. Antonio Di Stefano, who will presents an overview of various aspects involved in designing advanced electronic systems. Topics such as the detection and conditioning of very fast or very weak signals, their conversion and real-time digital processing will be discussed, with emphasis on system level design. Various issues and approaches will be explored, and several real cases and implementation examples will be presented.
Participation in the short course grants 2 CFU for students of the Master’s Degree Programme in Electronics Engineering.
Students are invited to register by March 9 at 23.59.59 via the following link:
Further information here.