Produzione Scientifica
DiSTeM carries out an intense and consolidated research activity of international resonance in various scientific areas. For example, in the period 2017-2021, members of the department produced 754 articles in peer-reviewed international journals with an Annual Growth Rate% of 3.85.

Annual production: there was an increase in articles published in indexed journals, from 147 articles in 2017 to 171 in 2021 with an average annual percentage growth of about 4%.

Number of publications indexed I and II quartile: there was an increase of articles published in I or II quartile journals with an average annual percentage growth of about 6%.

Collaboration network: the map shows the network of collaborations that DiSTeM has undertaken with other countries between 2017 and 2021

Keyword Network: the map shows the network of keywords, and therefore of the topics most studied by DiSTeM members between 2017 and 2021.

Three Fields Plot: the graph shows the main items by type of publication, journals and keywords. Most of DiSTeM's scientific production consists of original articles, the main journals (only the first 20 shown) fall within the field of environmental research and geosciences.

Keyword conceptual map the structure: based on the keywords, the graph highlights three clusters. The red cluster groups together scientific production linked to marine ecology, biology and conservation; The blue cluster groups geomorphology, sedimentology, seismology and volcanology with scientific production; the green cluster is linked to scientific production concerning the use of advanced statistical analysis techniques.