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The PhD in Culture Sciences has interdisciplinary vocation, the training and research project takes into account the plurality of themes and the peculiarity of the fields of investigation. It is divided into two areas: European Cultural Studies and Cultural Heritage Sciences.

  • European Cultural Studies
    The path develops themes that, starting from a study of multicultural society and keeping the Mediterranean area in the background, allow to deepen aspects of literary and artistic production such as gender issues, visual culture, cultural identity in globalization. It also explores theoretical issues related to geographies and the history of European culture both ancient and modern.moderna.

  • The Cultural Heritage Sciences
    The course intends to prepare specialists on theoretical, methodological and operational problems: study of documents, finds and artefacts, material evidence of civilizations from prehistory to the present world, study of historical landscapes, study of material and immaterial heritage , methodologies and strategies of communication, museum display and enhancement of heritage.


Training Objectives


Through an innovative integration of knowledge and humanistic skills, the Doctorate aims to train scholars capable of facing the most advanced challenges in the fields of European cultural studies, archaeological research and historical sciences, the promotion and the communication of cultural heritage. PhD students will be trained for positions in academia as well as for responsible positions in government, research organizations  and cultural enterprises. 

Purpose of the doctoral course is therefore to train:

  • scholars of the material and immaterial cultural heritage, in possession of innovative and interdisciplinary methodological tools for the contextual analysis of archaeological, artistic and historical-cultural testimonies and for the enhancement of cultural heritage in the territory and in today’s society
  • experts in European cultural studies suitable to hold research and teaching roles in universities and schools and to carry out training activities in public and private institutions
  • qualified figures to coordinate and direct cultural institutions such as museums, theaters, archives and libraries, cultural foundations and humanitarian institutions, social services in multicultural and international contexts
  • qualified figures in publishing companies (publishing houses, newspapers, TV etc.) and international social and cultural study bodies
  • qualified figures to carry out consultancy activities for policy-makers able to offer reading hypotheses and innovative solutions to social problems and to develop policies aimed at managing cross-cultural processes in the public and private sphere

Students will be encouraged to participate in the Department life, present their research work in junior seminars and international conferences. Each student will be assisted by two faculty advisors who will supervise student's engagement in full-time research towards the completion of a doctoral dissertation.