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Educational aims

Communication Sciences is a highly interdisciplinary degree course, providing the theoretical foundations, methodological tools and technical knowledge to understand the complex world of contemporary communication and act within it. The various curricula reflect the professional fields for which the Degree trains and are chosen after a common first year in which the necessary foundations are provided to learn to perceive the complexity of communication phenomena and to understand the different theoretical and methodological dimensions necessary for studying them and operating within them. It is precisely the complexity of contemporary communication - and the related cultural, social, political, and economic repercussions – to make necessary, from the second year, to focus more on a specific area that becomes the object of specific paths. Each of these paths offers the opportunity to explore the functioning of specific media, of different types of communication artifacts, of the languages they use, of the variables and strategies that can be used to obtain specific results, of the techniques for measuring the effectiveness of different types of communication. The educational path is characterized not only by the specialization of the curricula, but also by: i) a considerable attention to professionalizing skills achieved through laboratory teaching, ii) by the high possibility of personalizing the study path iii) by the contact with the world of professions. Each curriculum includes laboratories in which professional technical-practical skills are provided that can be immediately used in the labour market. Each student will be able to choose from a range of options built to cover different types of communication products (from verbal texts to photographs, from websites to visual design) according to the type of profession he/she intends to train for. The personalization of the educational path is achieved by providing different credits for optional activities, as well as for elective activities, which can be chosen from a wide range of optional courses enabling students to further focus their areas of interest. Finally, the contact with the world of the professions is achieved through meetings and seminars, providing credits. The ideal outlet for the Degree Course are the 2nd cycle Degree Courses in Communication, where it is possible to obtain a higher level of understanding and knowledge of communication phenomena, greater mastery of theoretical and methodological tools, and the ability to produce communicative artefacts using additional languages.

work perspectives

Profile: Expert in digital marketing Functions: Digital Marketing technician Skills: - performing Market research - Defining and implementing product promotion strategies - Design and management of marketing actions for products and/or services, both new and to be boosted - Customer care - Relations with the media - Consumption analysis on the web - Analysis and implementation of e-commerce sites and online sales projects - Trend analysis starting from digital identities - Use of the online user profiling tools Professional opportunities: - Consultancy for private companies related to web marketing of goods and services. - Consulting for the creation of e-commerce apps. - Design and management of web-based marketing campaigns. Profile: Advertising technician Function: Advertising technicians Skills: - Planning and managing communication strategies - Carrying out advertising campaigns of various types and on various media. - Creation of brands or corporate images - Building advertising messages - Creating texts and images for advertising campaigns Professional opportunities: - Private practice - Advertising offices of companies or organisations - Companies or organisations promoting their image through various types of advertising campaigns and various media Profile Public relations technician Functions: Public relations technician Skills: - Relations with the media - Drafting or preparation of texts for official speeches or press releases - Management or updating of websites - Management and analysis of press coverage Professional opportunities - Private practice - Public and private institutions with public relations and/or press offices - Companies with public relations and/or press offices Profile: Social media technicians Functions: Social media management technician Skills: - Understanding and analysis of social, political, cultural phenomena. - Analysis of communication fluxes and of web trends. - Knowledge of the news making processes. - Analysis of the information traffic through software tools. - Design, implementation, and management of social media campaigns. - Command of verbal and visual language. - Use of online profiling tools. Professional opportunities: - Social media manager, as a freelancer or in service companies. - Advisor for commercial companies, political parties, entertainment celebrities, etc. - Creation of social channels on the most diverse subjects. Profile: Production Communication technicians in multimedia, radio and television, cinema, and theatre. function in a work context: - Planning and creation of communicative events in the field of culture and the arts in general (radio, television, theatre, cinema, museums, multimedia); - preparation of line-ups, choice of music and images, - creation and production of commercials; - presentation of information; - management of shows, artistic and recreational performances in museums, theatres and other public places. Skills: Graduates are able to develop specific cultural contents for media and web communication infrastructures and to operate in the main sectors of activity (radio, television, digital and non-digital publishing, cinema, museum, theatre, video, web), applying technologies for specific communication purposes elaborated for users. They are also able to apply theoretical and methodological knowledge to event management, to verify the expected results, and to remodel the projects started, if necessary. They are able to act as coordinators. They are able to write argumentative and expository texts, even of medium length, in good Italian, can use English effectively and have a good knowledge of at least one other language. professional opportunities: Public and private radio, television, film and theatre production agencies; organization of cultural initiatives; art institutions, museums, music, multimedia; cultural festivals; Web sites. Profile: Fairs, exhibitions, and cultural events organiser Functions: - Planning and creation of events in the field of culture and the arts in general (fairs, exhibitions, museum events, music, theatre, multimedia). - provision of services for the organization and management of trade fairs. - design and construction of exhibition spaces and environments, organization of use by the public and exhibitors. Skills: Graduates can: - develop specific cultural contents in the main sectors of activity (fairs, exhibitions, festivals, website management), applying methodologies and technologies for specific communication purposes elaborated for users. - Apply theoretical and methodological knowledge to event management, verification of expected results and any remodeling of projects started. - perform coordination roles. - write argumentative and expository texts, even of medium length, in good Italian, use English effectively and have good knowledge of at least one other language. professional opportunities: Public and private agencies involved in the production and organization of cultural initiatives; fairs, exhibitions, vernissages, cultural festivals; multimedia shows; Web sites. Cultural communication technician function in a work context: - Design and implementation of communication media of cultural organizations and events; - organization of websites, apps and communicative portals linked to businesses in the reception and production of taste culture. skills: Graduates are able, through communication. to promote venues, organisations, associations, consortia, companies, agencies providing cultural events, products, and processes. They can design and organize the media suitable for the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage (for example, culture of taste, food and wine related to the territory, etc.). professional opportunities: - Private companies, consortia and associations for the protection of cultural heritage, - public bodies related to the communication and maintenance of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. - Professional interviewers and detectors function in a work context: - Conduction of structured interviews with questionnaires and complex instruments in total or sample surveys designed on a scientific basis. skills: - Market research - Consumption analysis - Trend analysis - Use of profiling tools - Qualitative social research techniques professional opportunities: Employment in private companies and public bodies that operate in the opinion polls, user profiling, broad spectrum social research

Characteristics of the final exam

To obtain the degree, the student must have acquired 180 credits including those relating to the final exam. The final test has the objective of verifying the level of maturity and the critical capacity of the graduating student with reference to the knowledge acquired in the activities provided by the Course. The test is defined in the Degree Course regulations in compliance with and in line with the timing of the course, with the ministerial prescriptions and with the University guidelines.