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Educational aims

Specific objectives: Within an integrated path of historical-archaeological and historical-artistic cut, the Degree Course aims in particular at satisfying the need for functional professionalism in heritage education, in addition to the traditional areas of conservation, management and enhancement of cultural heritage, in the spirit of the so-called "Faro Convention", ratified by 20 member countries of the Council of Europe, including Italy, which has expressly brought the conscious enjoyment and sharing of cultural heritage back into the fold of the fundamental rights of the individual. The objective is to further define and qualify the profiles of museum educator and operator of educational services of cultural sites, as well as of the teaching staff and future schoolteachers of historical-artistic and humanistic disciplines with targeted training, enhancing the indispensable advanced skills on archaeological and historical-artistic assets at the centre of heritage education actions. On the basis of these assumptions, the training project focuses on the specific subjects common to the two classes LM-2 and LM-89, with some class-specific sectors of one class and related sectors of the other (or vice versa) providing the necessary completion of knowledge on the historical-cultural contexts, on the sources and on the technical and conservative, regulatory and financial aspects, ensuring a robust training in archaeological and artistic heritage disciplines which is essential for the quality and effectiveness of the graduates' activity; to this end, the aforementioned disciplinary training, through the selection of themes and paths, laboratory teaching and practice, is declined in function of the interpretation of the heritage, the transfer of knowledge and the acquisition of specific operational skills by the graduates. The degree course includes a robust series of mandatory teachings, some optional ones and language (English language B2), specific computer laboratories, as well as a significant internship activity, in addition to the elective credits and the credits of the final exam, consisting in the the application of the knowledge and skills acquired to a significant case study. 12 credits are dedicated to laboratory courses in class-specific areas, essential for the strong declination of the course, half of which are held in English. Students will be given the opportunity to follow two other courses in a language other than Italian, to obtain a more marketable education in the European context and to be able to transmit the acquired disciplinary skills to a wider audience. Finally, integrative teaching activities are planned, namely seminars relating to the themes of heritage education and the pedagogy of cultural heritage, held by qualified experts. The teachings cover the areas of Ancient History and Archaeology, History of Art and Museology, History of Architecture, Restoration and Chemical-Physical Disciplines for Diagnostics and Restoration, Modern History and Archives, Economics and Legislation, in order to fully satisfy the requirements of both classes LM-2 and LM-89 and, above all, to guarantee a solid preparation in the class specific areas, which have also been drawn upon for related disciplines, and a wide versatility for post-graduate career opportunities: in fact, the aim is to leave graduates the possibility of opting, depending on the arising opportunities, also for other career paths allowed by the two classes, as archaeologists or specialist art historians, or to access the training for secondary teaching. In particular, the integration of the archaeological subjects (covering classical archaeology and art history, prehistory and landscape archaeology), historical subjects (antiquity and the modern age) including the archives field, historical-artistic subjects (relating to the Middle Ages and the modern age, museology as well as the history of architecture) and subjects related to diagnostics, restoration, legislation, economics, provide graduates with a complete training, whether they opt for the LM-2 class or the LM-89 class, to be able to find their way in the fields of conservation, museum management and enhancement, with reference to archaeological assets and contexts as well as assets and contexts of historical-artistic interest.

work perspectives

Profile: Second level archaeologist; Second level art historian; Museum curator and conservator; Museum educator; Educational operator in the field of educational services of public and private cultural sites Functions: Graduates will be able to carry out the following job functions envisaged for both the second level archaeologist and the second level art historian (for which Ministerial Decree 244/2019 requires, in addition to the degree, certain periods of professional experience), with particular but not exclusive reference to the functions in the field of education, interpretation and enhancement of archaeological and artistic cultural heritage. Respectively, for the archaeologist: - study, research, training, education and enhancement activities in the field of archaeology and related and similar disciplines, and scientific dissemination of the results achieved in the field of research. - Collaboration in the management of museums and/or institutes that preserve archaeological assets, enhance and curate collections and exhibitions of archaeological assets. - Teaching activities in the field of education on archaeological cultural heritage. - Direction, under coordination, of educational services in museums, archaeological areas and parks, widespread museums and/or other institutions that exhibit or deal with archaeological assets, contexts or sites, in superintendencies or within public or private cultural institutions or at territorial bodies operating in the archaeological field. For the art historian: - study, research, training and education activities in the field of art history and related and related disciplines. - editorial activities and drafting of publications and scientific texts in the relevant disciplines. - teaching activities in secondary education - educational, training and communication activities relating to specific professional contents and tools. Skills: - Classification and documentation of archaeological finds (Archaeologist) or of artefacts and works of historical-artistic interest (Art Historian). - Drafting of cards of assets, sites, groups of assets, according to current standards. - inventory and cataloguing. - Drafting of catalogues, scientific reports and museum itineraries. - Collaboration in the management of museums and other institutions that preserve archaeological and/or artistic assets, taking care under coordination of the conservation, exhibition, enhancement, presentation to non-specialist audiences of museum collections and archaeological contexts and sites. - Organization and curation under coordination of exhibitions and fruition itineraries relating to assets (respectively archaeological or artistic), contexts, monuments, museums, and sites/places of culture. - Organization of conferences and exhibitions. - Promotion of cultural initiatives. - Organization and management of educational activities on archaeological sites and in places of culture (monumental complexes, churches etc.) and in museums. - Organization and management of educational activities focused on archaeological and artistic heritage, for various groups of users, school students and adults. Career Opportunities: Graduates will be able to work as second-level archaeologists or second-level art historians, with regard to the education, training, enhancement, promotion, dissemination, planning and programming of educational-museum itineraries, both at a scientific and dissemination level, respectively inherent to archaeological and artistic heritage. Graduates will therefore be able to work as museum educators, independently or within cooperatives or service companies, or as employees of public or private bodies, and as specialized educational operators in the field of educational services of public and private cultural sites (archaeological parks, museums, etc.). For details, please refer to Ministerial Decree no. 244 of 2019 and related attachments "Archaeologist" and "Art Historian”. ( and art historian ('ARTE.pdf), since in both cases they are professions with regulated training (; for which a second level degree is required in Archaeology (LM-2) and History of Art (LM-89), with certain additions: ISTAT qualifications - Archaeologists; - Art historians; as well as - Art experts; - Museum curators and conservators. Other professional opportunities related to the qualification, subject to the acquisition of the additional requirements provided for by the regulations for the recruitment of teaching staff and taking into account of the credits acquired throughout the university course, are related to teaching in secondary schools (following the procedure prescribed by current legislation) of historical-artistic subjects and literary subjects, to which the ISTAT qualifications - Teachers of artistic and literary subjects and - Teachers of literary, artistic, historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences in secondary schools correspond.

Characteristics of the final exam

The final exam consists of a dissertation (thesis), which may be written or in digital format or on multimedia support, elaborated in an original way, under the guidance of a supervisor and co-supervisors, on a topic related to the disciplinary areas studied and to the educational path followed by the student, demonstrating the acquisition of adequate methodological skills, of the degree course specialized knowledge and of the ability to critically reflect on the topics covered by the thesis, with reference to the educational objectives described above. It may be connected to practical activities such as an internship carried out at external bodies, institutes or institutions.