Call for "PROVIDE" Traning Course
AVVISO: L'elenco degli ammessi alle prime due edizioni del Training Course PROVIDE verrà pubblicato il giorno 24 novembre
NOTICE: The list of those admitted to attend the first 2 editions of the training course PROVIDE will be published on November
It is open the call for the first edition of the "PROVIDE" traning course, that will be held in Trapani and will begin on November 16th.
Application Provide Training Course
timetable and program of the course
Summary Sheet Provide Training Course
Staff teachers, tutors and coordinators of Provide Traning Course in Sicily
E' aperta la call della prima edizione del "PROVIDE" traning course, che si terrà a Trapani con inizio il 16 novembre.
In allegato:
timetable e programma del corso