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Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica avanzata

Anatomy Library

In addition to some valuable ancient volumes, the collection also includes set of international scientific journals of Human Anatomy, Cellular and Animal Biology, General Embryology and Histology. The volumes start from the first half of the nineteenth century up to our days for a total of over 1000 examples.

“Mario Capecchi” Library, Biology and Genetic sciences

Ophthalmology and Neurology library

The spaces dedicated to these two historical libraries are being redefined based on the renovation of their complexes on Policlinico P. Giaccone.

Otorhinolaryngology Library

Physiology Library

The Human Physiology Library, founded in 1848, at the time was already well supplied of treaties, monographs, national and foreign periodicals, and some precious publications that still exist today. The physiognomy of the library remained substantially unchanged under the structural aspect until the mid-fifties. At that time, following the enlargement of the building, became available new spacesand the director of the institute, Prof. V. Zagami, started a deep process of enlargement of the library through the acquisition of more relevant bibliographies for new research lines that were growing. As a result of this intervention, the library has acquired its current structure, monographs and biomedical periodicals are inserted inside the university catalog, presenting a particular richness on the neurophysiology themed collections. The library of human physiology is part of the librarian pole of medicine and surgery and therefore is managed by the University Library System.

"Emilio Segrè" Library, Radiology