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Educational aims

The specific training objectives are: - Knowledge of the basic disciplines, such as to allow the understanding of the biological, physiological and pathological processes that develop in developmental, adult and geriatric age, on which their diagnostic intervention focuses, to responsibly guarantee the result and quality of the analytical data obtained. - Knowledge of the methodological bases and operating principles of the analytical instrumentation for chemical-clinical, microbiological, biotechnological, immune-hematological, immunometric, anatomic-cyto-histopathological, clinical pathology and clinical biochemistry analyses. - Ability to carry out, with professional autonomy, the technical procedures needed for the execution of diagnostic methods on different biological matrices. - Ability to critically evaluate the analytical results in compliance with the quality management systems in the laboratory. - Ability to apply the principles of safety in the workplace and of prevention and protection measures as well as radiation protection. -Understanding of the basics of healthcare management, the main bioethical issues in healthcare systems, as well as ability to establish interdisciplinary collaborations with the various professionals in the workplace and to act consistently with the disciplinary, ethical and deontological principles of the profession. - Ability in managing information systems in healthcare facilities. - Ability to manage their own professional growth in line with technological and scientific progress. -Ability to use the English language in the specific area of expertise and to exchange general information. The achievement of professional skills is achieved through theoretical and practical training also including the acquisition of behavioural skills, carried out in the specific work context of each profile, so as to guarantee, at the end of the training course, full mastery of all the necessary skills and their immediate usability in the workplace. The Degree Course is divided into three years and provides for a total of 180 credits (CFU), of which 60 must be acquired in professionalizing training activities aimed at developing specific professional skills. The Degree Course is organized into lectures, seminars, laboratory exercises and practical internships, constituting the professional training of the Biomedical Laboratory Technician. Of particular importance, as an integral and qualifying part of the professional training, is the practical training activity of internship, aimed at providing specific operating methods of laboratories work flows as well as applying the knowledge acquired during the frontal teaching activities. The professionalizing internship starts from the first year and is carried out with the supervision and guidance of specifically assigned professional tutors, coordinated by a teacher with a higher training level and belonging to the professional profile of the Degree Course. Learning in individual teachings is verified through educational assessments and certified assessments. Educational assessments (ongoing tests) aim exclusively at detecting the effectiveness of learning and teaching processes with respect to specific contents and objectives. Certified assessments (profit exams) aim, instead, at evaluating and quantifying with a grade the achievement of the objectives of the teaching courses by certifying the degree of individual preparation of the students. The final exam consists of a qualifying practical test relating to the laboratory methodologies learned during the professionalizing internship activities, as well as of the drafting and discussion of a short essay aimed at verifying the skills of the graduate on a topic consistent with the educational objectives of the Degree Course. The cultural and professional profile of graduates in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques enables them to carry out their activity with technical and professional autonomy in direct collaboration with other laboratory personnel in charge of the various operational functions; they must be responsible, in the laboratory structures, for the correct fulfilment of the analytical procedures and their work, within the scope of their functions in application of the work protocols defined by the responsible managers; they must verify the correspondence of the services provided to the indicators and standards predefined by the manager of the facility; they check and verify the correct functioning of the equipment used, provide for ordinary maintenance and the possible elimination of small inconveniences; they participate in the planning and organization of work; they carry out their activity in public and private laboratory facilities, authorized according to the current legislation, as employees or freelancers; furthermore, the Biomedical Laboratory technicians contribute to the training of support staff and to the updating relating to their professional profile and to research.

work perspectives

Profile: Biomedical Laboratory Technician Functions: Responsible for the control and execution of technical diagnostic procedures in the field of pathological anatomy, clinical biochemistry, clinical pathology, clinical microbiology and all laboratory procedures involving the biomedical, environmental, veterinary, food and scientific research fields. Skills: - ability to work independently in the technical-professional field in direct collaboration with other laboratory professionals with various operational roles. - Responsibility, in the laboratory structures, for the correct implementation of the analytical procedures and of their own work, within the scope of their functions in application of the work protocols defined by the responsible managers. - Ability to verify the correspondence of the services provided to the indicators and standards predefined by the manager of the laboratory. - Ability to check and verify the correct functioning of the equipment used. - Ability to participate in the planning and organization of work within the laboratory. - Ability to carry out their activity in public and private laboratory facilities, authorized according to the current legislation, in an employee or freelance relationship. - Ability to contribute to the training of support staff and, directly, to the updating related to their professional profile and research. Career opportunities: Freelance Employee in the public sector Employee in the private sector. Graduates in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques carry out laboratory activities in public or private health facilities and also as freelancers; they can work in the various specialist areas of Hospital and extra-hospital Laboratories belonging to the National Health Service and in similar private accredited structures, in Scientific Institutes for Hospitalization and Treatment (IRCCS), in Research Centres (CNR), in Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes (IZS), and, more specifically: -In the laboratories of clinical biochemistry, clinical pathology, clinical microbiology, parasitology and virology, pathological anatomy, immunology, haematology, cytology and histopathology, and Transfusion Services; -In the quality control laboratories in the biomedical field and in the pharmaceutical industry. -In the analysis and control laboratories of the Regional Agencies for the prevention and protection of the environment. -In the production industries and marketing agencies operating in the laboratory diagnostics sector. -In the university and extra-university research laboratories of the biomedical sector.

Characteristics of the final exam

The final examination, qualifying for the profession, consists of: 1) a practical test, in which the student must demonstrate the acquisition of the knowledge and the theoretical-practical skills related to the professional profile 2) the preparation and discussion of a short paper to verify the acquired skills of the undergraduate, on a topic related to the teachings of the educational programme.