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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. 4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases (100%)

    30-mar-2017 9.45.24

    4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases articolo, notizia, unipa, translational medicine, immune-mediated diseases In occasione della “4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases” medici, ricercatori, scienziati e aziende si incontreranno per confrontarsi sui progressi della medicina ... MARIA CLAUDIA BRUCCULERI In occasione della “4th Conference on translational medicine

  • 2. La Scuola Politecnica Ospita : 4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases (43%)

    27-mar-2017 10.18.18

    La Scuola Politecnica Ospita : 4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases articolo, notizia, unipa In occasione della “4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases” medici, ricercatori, scienziati e aziende si incontreranno per confrontarsi sui progressi della medicina traslazionale ... della “4th Conference on translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases

  • 3. Conference of translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases (29%)

    12-lug-2017 14.42.27

    Aula Magna della Scuola Politecnica University of Palermo, Campus Viale delle Scienze - 90128 Palermo Conference of translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases convegni, seminario, eventi, Prof. Francesco Dieli Visualizza MAURIZIO DE SANTIS Visualizza /sites/portale/_categories/evento/

  • 4. Presentation and educational aims (23%)

    1-lug-2024 15.30.53

    of Nanoscience and Biotechnology for human health, of Theranostics and Translational Medicine. PhD ... ; Theranostics and translational Medicine; Biosensors; Materials and Nanotechnologies for human ... of Nanoscience and Biotechnology for human health, of Theranostics and Translational Medicine. PhD ... ; Theranostics and translational Medicine; Biosensors; Materials and Nanotechnologies for human health ... Health, Teranostics and Translational Medicine. The course offers students a unique opportunity

  • 5. Anno 2020 | Prof. Bianco Antonino (21%)

    23-lug-2021 12.07.08

    in judo athletes. JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 18(1). Thomas E., Petrigna L., Tabacchi G ... athletes. JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 18(1). Gentile A., Boca S., Sahin F.N., Guler O., Pajaujiene ... OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 18(1). Thomas E., Petrigna L., Tabacchi G., Teixeira E., Pajaujiene S., Sturm D.J ... ). The effects of rapid weight loss on skeletal muscle in judo athletes. JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE

  • 6. Presentazione e Obiettivi formativi (21%)

    1-lug-2024 15.32.40

    Translational Medicine. PhD students will be able to take advantage of the tools and skills available ... Physics; Bio Imaging; Theranostics and translational Medicine; Biosensors; Materials and ... Translational Medicine. PhD students will be able to take advantage of the tools and skills available ... ; Medical Physics; Bio Imaging; Theranostics and translational Medicine; Biosensors; Materials and

  • 7. SCHEDA medicina molecolare e clinica (18%)

    6-ott-2020 12.27.55

    Molecolare e Translazionale/Molecular and translational medicine 2. Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale ... is that of "Translational Medicine" and in particular the ability to transfer new knowledge ... themes of the following curricula: Curriculum 1, Molecular and Translational Medicine: a) Functional

  • 8. Slides_in_inglese (18%)

    6-ott-2020 12.27.55

    CURRICULUM 1. Molecular and Translational Medicine 2. Clinical and Experimental Medicine: biomedical / Experimental and clinical approach Medicine: biomedical approach RESEARCH THEMES The proposed doctorate aims to provide an adequate cultural and methodological preparation, as well ... is that of "Translational Medicine" and in particular the ability to transfer new ... Translational Medicine: a) Functional genomics, proteomics and cell biology for the study of chronic

  • 9. Presentation and educational aims (18%)

    17-mag-2023 13.24.35

    Presentation and educational aims articolo, notizia, unipa Descriptive sheet "MOLECULAR AND CLINICAL MEDICINE" Presentation Slides CURRICULA Molecular and Translational Medicine Clinical ... addresses, indicated below. Curriculum 1, Molecular and Translational Medicine Functional genomics ... research experience in the field of chronic diseases. The main objective is that of "Translational Medicine" and in particular the ability to transfer new knowledge from basic science


    4-mag-2023 14.04.06

    Presentation and educational aims articolo, notizia, unipa Descriptive sheet "MOLECULAR AND CLINICAL MEDICINE" Presentation Slides CURRICULA Molecular and Translational Medicine Clinical ... addresses, indicated below. Curriculum 1, Molecular and Translational Medicine Functional genomics ... research experience in the field of chronic diseases. The main objective is that of "Translational Medicine" and in particular the ability to transfer new knowledge from basic science

  • 11. Schede-Dottorato_PON_RI_1-13.pdf (17%)

    18-nov-2021 21.33.38

    / English): 1. Medicina Molecolare e Translazionale / Molecular and translational medicine 2 ... in the field of chronic diseases. The main objective is that of "Translational Medicine" and ... , Molecular and Translational Medicine: a) Functional genomics, proteomics and cell biology for the study

  • 12. Schede_1_23.pdf (17%)

    15-giu-2021 12.33.16

  • 15. Curriculum Prof. Bianco (17%)

    26-ott-2022 10.02.28

  • 17. Schede_1_31 (17%)

    6-lug-2022 9.49.35

  • 19. cv_gambaro_2019 (15%)

    10-apr-2020 10.05.26

    2017-Sep 2018: Coordinator of the PhD program in Experimental and Translational Medicine, Catholic ... citations) Conferences Member of the editorial board of Urolithiasis, J of Translational Medicine

  • 20. Locandina Congresso (15%)

    2-mar-2017 8.50.29

    4th Conferenceof translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases Innate immunity, inflammation and human models of diseases. Auto-inflammation/Autoimmunity, Cancer and Viral Infections March 27th - 29th, 2017 Palermo, Italy w w w. t r a n s l a t i o n a l i m m u n o l o g y. i t preliminary program VENUE Aula Magna della Scuola Politecnica University of Palermo ... MINI-SYMPOSIA 12:30 INNATE LYMPHOID CELLS AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE