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1. Multitemporal mapping of peri-urban carbon stocks and soil sealing from satellite data (100%)
1-set-2017 15.08.26Multitemporal mapping of peri-urban carbon stocks and soil sealing from satellite data articolo, notizia, unipa, remote sensing, carbon, land evaluation, soil science, soil sealing DOI>10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.250 The following personal article link will provide free access to this article ... of spatial and temporal features of urban growth and soil sealing, expressed as the ratio between C ... balance and soil sealing evolution. In Piacenza (Cc/Co = 0.07 in 1993), although questioned by late
2. Soil-Sealing (41%)
29-giu-2023 15.19.13Soil-Sealing utente PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 GPL Ghostscript 10.01.1
5. EVENTI - 2023 (12%)
22-feb-2024 12.56.1016.06.2023 Soil-Sealing 17.06.2023 Beer bubbles 29.06.2023 Il laboratorio del gusto Giugno 2023 Informa
6. Lo Piccolo_Bonafede_Todaro_Changing Cities II Porto Heli2 2015 (10%)
11-mag-2020 10.40.05population distribution in coastal zones using soil sealing datasets: Evidence from North and South
7. 120113 Draft-Outline-ENV-Orientations-2013-PC_13_Jan_2012 (10%)
8-mar-2013 17.18.31and mitigating land degradation. In view of reducing the impact of soil sealing, research
8. Eventi (10%)
8-lug-2024 13.47.09sulla Biodiversità delle specie erbacee di interesse agrario 16.06.2023 Soil-Sealing 17.06.2023 Beer