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1. cv prof. nicola (100%)
1-giu-2022 8.58.56). Member of the International Editorial Board of the ‘Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research ... horticulture 02/1988 Laurea Thesis Title: Experimental results of postharvest conditioning on cut ... : the BioEnPro4To project. 6th South East Europe Postharvest Conference “Quality Management in Postharvest ... to use products: quality and postharvest evaluation. NovelFarm2019. International Conference ... for the Future Conference. The Australasian Postharvest Horticulture Conference Organising Committee
2. CONVEGNO/9° Convegno GDL SOI POSTRACCOLTA dal titolo “Postharvest Management of Mediterranean Crops” - dal 17 al 19 settembre 2025 (91%)
7-mar-2025 14.07.40CONVEGNO/9° Convegno GDL SOI POSTRACCOLTA dal titolo “Postharvest Management of Mediterranean Crops” - dal 17 al 19 settembre 2025 saaf, agraria, convegno, gdl soi postraccolta, postharvest Il Dipartimento SAAF organizza un Simposio internazionale per riassumere e divulgare i progressi e le tecnologie avanzate nel settore post-raccolta dell'ortoflorofrutticoltura. Il Simposio offre un'opportunità unica a ricercatori, accademici, professionisti del settore e studenti di raccogliere e condividere
3. 19pa_c3p3_agr09_amodio_cv (46%)
26-ott-2022 11.26.36of low-impact processes on postharvest quality of horticultural products including marginal crops”,Università di Foggia (2006). Postgraduate Certificate Program on Postharvest Technology presso ... Course On Postharvest And Fresh Cut Technologies', per una lezione dal titolo 'Non destructive quality ... de Cordoba (Spagna) sui seguenti argomenti: -‘Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops’ (2 ore ... : ‘Management of soil fertility and postharvest quality and traceability of organic horticultural products
4. Tecnologie innovative di postharvest (41%)
5-ott-2023 13.51.43PROGRAMMA/PERCORSO DI ORIENTAMENTO Istituzione: Università degli Studi di Palermo – Centro Orientamento e Tutorato - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali Anno scolastico di riferimento: 2023/2024 – 2024/25 – 2025/26 Referente dell’Istituzione per il Programma di Orientamento: prof. Giuseppe Sortino Titolo del Programma/Percorso: Tecnologie innovative di postharvest Scuole coinvolte: Triennio dei Licei, istituti Tecnici, Istituti Professionali
5. Laboratorio di innovative postharvest tecnologies (41%)
13-ott-2023 13.20.36PERCORSO PLS/POT SISSA3EFG (Sistema Integrato per gli Studenti di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari, Animali, Enologiche, Forestali e Gastronomiche) Istituzione: Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali (SAAF) Anno scolastico di riferimento: 2023/2024 – 2024/25 – 2025/26 Referente dell’Istituzione per il PLS/POT: Prof. Vittorio Farina Titolo del Percorso: Laboratorio di innovative postharvest tecnologies Scuole
6. Calendario corsi PNRR 2024 attivati (27%)
20-mar-2024 15.34.50) Aula magna 8-14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Postharvest ed. 1 Manzoni (Tinebra) - Droni ed. 6 Parlatore ... Postharvest ed. 1 Manzoni (Tinebra) - 9,00 - 15,00 aula O + LAB 1 2 Note Modelli di calendario ... Gallo (Cancilla Postharvest ed. 2 Gallo (Tinebra) - Genomica ed. 1 Amato Vetrano Biodiversità ed. 2 ... ) 10,00-14,00 aula N + 2 lab lab Postharvest ed. 3 Gallo (Tinebra) - 10,00-12,00 aula M + 4 lab
7. CV Samira Moradi XXXIX (27%)
22-gen-2024 9.36.11• The effect of pre-harvest and postharvest managements on fruit quality • Storage technology • Fruit packaging • Physiological responses to postharvest biotic and abiotic stresses Expertise ... and postharvest fruit treatments with salicylic acid or hot water on attributes of pomegranate ... nitroprusside (SNP) spray to maintain fruit quality and alleviate postharvest chilling injury of peach
8. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (24%)
9-dic-2024 8.49.18: Prof. Research Interests: development, application and effects of new postharvest technologies ... -physiology Fertigation and irrigation strategies Postharvest storage and quality management Climate ... postharvest managements on fruit quality Storage technology Fruit packaging Physiological responses to postharvest biotic and abiotic stresses Riccardo SAVASTANO Tutor: Prof. N. Francesca Co-Tutor
9. PhD students (24%)
6-dic-2024 12.03.24of new postharvest technologies on physiology, quality and shelf-life of fresh whole and fourth range ... Training systems and planting density Eco-physiology Fertigation and irrigation strategies Postharvest ... disorders The effect of pre-harvest and postharvest managements on fruit quality Storage technology Fruit packaging Physiological responses to postharvest biotic and abiotic stresses Riccardo SAVASTANO
10. mario pezzotti curriculum vitae (20%)
22-apr-2020 14.19.47Beijing, July 29th, 2014 • Postharvest Unlimited Cyprus11 June 2014 • Macrowine 2014 Stellenbosch ... , Avesani L, Pezzotti M, Tornielli GB. (2016) Disclosing the Molecular Basis of the Postharvest Life ... ) Analysis of Grape Berry Proteome during Postharvest Withering. Proteome Res. Dec 1. 63) Zamboni
11. cv_pezzotti (20%)
8-apr-2021 13.35.35Breeding and Genetics Beijing, 29 July, 2014. • Postharvest Unlimited Cyprus, 11 June 2014 ... the Molecular Basis of the Postharvest Life of Berry in Different Grapevine Genotypes. Plant Physiol. Nov ... Proteome during Postharvest Withering. Proteome Res. Dec 1. 70. Zamboni A, Di Carli M, Guzzo F
12. curriculumvitae-paolo cortesi-it (19%)
23-apr-2020 16.29.22rot of organic bananas in Dominican Republic. Postharvest Biology and Technology 120: 112–120 ... bananas in Dominican Republic. Postharvest Biology and Technology 120: 112–120. © European
13. Dottorandi - XXXIX Ciclo (19%)
7-nov-2024 14.30.04physiology Tree fruits physiological disorders The effect of pre-harvest and postharvest managements on fruit quality Storage technology Fruit packaging Physiological responses to postharvest biotic and
14. Dottorandi - XL Ciclo (19%)
19-feb-2025 16.47.08: development, application and effects of new postharvest technologies on physiology, quality and ... Fertigation and irrigation strategies Postharvest storage and quality management Climate change
15. de pascale (17%)
16-apr-2020 8.02.14system and postharvest frozen storage on quality attributes of two strawberry cultivars. FRUITS, vol ... in cut flowers: classical and innovative approaches. POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 97
16. curriculum vitae coppola def (17%)
6-ott-2017 12.51.21biochemical parameters assessed during the postharvest storage at chilling or non-chilling temperatures ... . In Postharvest Management Approaches for Maintaining Quality of Fresh Produce (pp. 141-156
17. Incoming Students SAAF (17%)
23-mar-2023 11.30.00title (in Italian) Fruit quality and postharvest (module) - Quality and postharvest of vegetables and
18. Mobilità internazionale (17%)
6-mar-2024 13.16.36postharvest (module) - Quality and postharvest of vegetables and fruits (course) Qualità e post raccolta
19. cv salvatore cosentinobreve (14%)
22-apr-2020 14.19.47- FIBRA, FP7 2012-2015 Progetto ERASMUS plus NARA Training on Agriculture and Postharvest Fruit
20. brochure_STAM_def (14%)
29-set-2021 11.20.53and volatile compounds), postharvest dehydration, food technology. 20204 FOOD SENSORY ANALYSIS 6