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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. ICAR01 - Hydraulics - Laboratory (100%)

    12-giu-2015 16.08.33

    ICAR01 - Hydraulics - Laboratory ICAR01, Hydraulics, Laboratory Instruments The Laboratory of Hydraulics of DICAM consists of a spacious ground-floor room of about 2000 m2, located in the building ... taken directly from the town network and supplies a calibration table for water meters. The room ... , with a secure digital (SD) card for nonvolatile memory storage, network connections (USB and EtherNet/IP network), two I/O compact modules (for 8 analog signals and for 16 digital signals) and a two

  • 2. ICAR05 - Transportation - Research (94%)

    18-giu-2015 17.09.06

    ICAR05 - Transportation - Research ICAR05, Transportation, Research Research projects Identification of models related to the management of the operating process on the freight transport for both road and intermodal transport, aiming to the identification of info mobility systems. Transport Network Assignment and interaction between Transport Demand and Supply. O/D Matrix estimation. Transport Demand Modelling. Stated Preference Survey. Network Design. Decision Support System. Research projects

  • 3. Description (86%)

    27-feb-2014 18.38.11

    a network of transducers able to interrogate the structures and extract information about its state

  • 4. CV - Tucciarelli (86%)

    6-apr-2016 15.03.48

    CV - Tucciarelli water&energy, seminar, dicam New trends and research perspectives towards a more sustainable environment Tucciarelli Tullio - Università di Palermo Academic Career: Born in July 1958. Researcher and Associate professor of Hydraulic Engineer at the University of Reggio Calabria from 1989 to 2001. Associate Professor at the University of Palermo from 2001 to 2003. Professor ... topics have been flux and transport numerical simulation in groundwater, as well as pipe network

  • 5. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Laboratory (86%)

    27-apr-2016 13.44.43

    of the university. The Laboratory manages a network of GNSS permanent stations for the western part

  • 6. Icar04 - Highways, Railways and Airports - Description (86%)

    19-giu-2015 13.40.39

    Icar04 - Highways, Railways and Airports - Description Icar04, Highways Railways and Airports, Description The Infrastructure Group of the DICAM isfocused on the design, construction, management and maintenance of structures for transportation infrastructures,such as pavements for roads, airports and industrial sites, rail structures for railways and tramways, and other related structures ... Programme Sicilia 2007/2013. Key areas of academic interest include road design, network and vehicle safety

  • 7. ING-IND22 e ING-IND24 - Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali - Principi di Ingegneria Chimica - Ricerca (86%)

    18-giu-2015 15.09.55

    FERS 2007/2013, "Mediterranean network for emerging Nanomaterials MEDNETNA" (Prof

  • 8. ING-IND022 - ING-IND24 - Materials Science and Technology - Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering - Research (86%)

    18-giu-2015 15.27.55

    2007/2013, "Mediterranean network for emerging Nanomaterials MEDNETNA" (Prof. La Mantia

  • 9. Icar04 - Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti - Ricerca (86%)

    19-giu-2015 14.09.48

    Icar04 - Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti - Ricerca Icar04, Strade Ferrovie e Aeroporti, Ricerca Progetti di ricerca Il Gruppo di Strade, Ferrovie, Aeroporti del DICAM è stato impegnato ed attualmente svolge ricerche inerenti: la formulazione di modelli costitutivi per la descrizione del comportamento meccanico dei materiali della pavimentazione e del corpo stradale; lo sviluppo di metodi ... . Gaetano Di Mino (2012) SUP&R ITN – Sustainable Pavements & Railways Initial Training Network

  • 10. Icar04 - Highways, Railways and Airports - Research (86%)

    19-giu-2015 14.10.35

    Icar04 - Highways, Railways and Airports - Research Icar04, Highways Railways and Airports, Research Research projects The Infrastructures Group of the DICAM is currently involved in several ongoing researches, as follows: Development, validation and calibration of constitutive modelling for asphalt mixtures and bitumen Analytical design of asphalt pavement using incremental models Reuse ... Network – Responsible of the Local Research Group Prof. Gaetano Di Mino (2012) CEDR TRANSNATIONAL ROAD

  • 11. ING-IND04 - ING-IND06 - ING-IND07 - Aerospace Section - Description (86%)

    12-giu-2015 14.50.25

    Aerospace structures there is interest in the possibility of early detection of damage through a network

  • 12. Geomatics Section (86%)

    16-giu-2015 17.11.25

    Geomatics Section Geomatics, Topography, GNSS, Photogrammetry, Cartography, GIS, Research, DICAM Geomatics is a complex of disciplines that cover the acquisition, the processing, the analysis, the visualization and the management of spatial information data through the use of "traditional" survey techniques like topography, photogrammetry and cartography, and more recent techniques like ... the management and control of GNSS permanent stations network, the use of photogrammetric techniques and

  • 13. Icar09 - Structural Engineering - Research (86%)

    22-giu-2015 15.14.53

    projects The research areas of Structural Engineering Group of DICAM are: R.C. structures Seismic ... -Years research project 2010-2013 DPC-ReLUIS (Departement of the Civil Protection –Network ... based in Palermo – Project Partner: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale ... Siciliana - Presidenza - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile – Project Partner Università di Palermo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali. Budget Euro 367.000

  • 14. Network internazionale (86%)

    1-apr-2013 19.17.06

  • 15. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (68%)

    12-gen-2017 12.30.05

    Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione ... for details). The created active network among research groups, still ongoing in most cases ... /persone/docenti/d/mario.dipaola/ RESEARCH GROUP WEBPAGE: ... “Sustainable Pavement and Railway, International Training Network, SUP&R ITN” funded by European Union’s

  • 16. Biography (67%)

    27-feb-2014 14.01.20

    Biography CV, DICAM, Migliore, UK Prof. Migliore born in 1974, Palermo, Italy. He received a Civil Engineering Degree with honour at University of Palermo in 1997 and his PhD in 2000. In 2000 ... , University of Palermo. Research topics: Transport Network Assignment and interaction between Transport ... . Network Design. Decision Support System. He has worked in the research group for the light rail system of Palermo and in many research groups for studying regional transport network design. MARCO MIGLIORE

  • 17. new-page (67%)

    27-feb-2014 14.00.19

    Biography CV, DICAM, Migliore, UK Prof. Migliore born in 1974, Palermo, Italy. He received a Civil Engineering Degree with honour at University of Palermo in 1997 and his PhD in 2000. In 2000 ... , University of Palermo. Research topics: Transport Network Assignment and interaction between Transport ... . Network Design. Decision Support System. He has worked in the research group for the light rail system of Palermo and in many research groups for studying regional transport network design. MARCO MIGLIORE

  • 18. new-page (66%)

    19-feb-2014 12.42.35

    Biography DICAM, CV, professor, Gino Dardanelli is researcher of Topography and Carthography at the Politechnic School of University of Palermo. He is degrees in Civil Engineering at Palermo University and is PhD course Geodetic and Topographic Sciences at the Parthenope University of Naples. His research work, mostly developed through programs financed by the Ministry for University and Scientific Research, involves the following fields: GNSS network permanent stations, WebGIS Open Source

  • 19. Biography (66%)

    19-feb-2014 12.44.41

    Biography DICAM, CV, professor, Gino Dardanelli is researcher of Topography and Carthography at the Politechnic School of University of Palermo. He is degrees in Civil Engineering at Palermo University and is PhD course Geodetic and Topographic Sciences at the Parthenope University of Naples. His research work, mostly developed through programs financed by the Ministry for University and Scientific Research, involves the following fields: GNSS network permanent stations, WebGIS Open Source

  • 20. new-page (61%)

    27-gen-2014 12.41.32

    BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES Termini,CV,DICAM,Laboratory Donatella Termini is Associate Professor in Hydraulic Enginering and Fluvial Hydraulics at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM)- University of Palermo (Italy). Graduated in Civil Hydraulic Engineering ... her work at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica ed Applicazioni Ambientali (DIIAA). Since January 2005 she is Associate Professor in Hydraulic Engineering (S.S.D. - ICAR/01) at DIIAA (now DICAM