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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. List of papers published in International Journals (100%)

    21-mag-2014 12.43.32

    List of papers published in International Journals mannina, papers, international journals In Press Cosenza, A., Mannina, G., Vanrolleghem, P., Neumann, M. (2013) Variance - based sensitivity analysis for wastewater treatment plant modelling. Science of the Total Environment. 2013 Mannina, G., Cosenza, A. (2013) The fouling phenomenon in membrane bioreactors: assessment of different strategies for energy saving. J. of Membrane Science, Volume 444, Pages 332-344. Pdf Cosenza, A., Mannina, G

  • 2. Pubblicazioni recenti (51%)

    20-gen-2014 12.35.46

    Pubblicazioni recenti Candela, Papers, International Journals A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014. A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani

  • 3. Pubblicazioni recenti (51%)

    20-gen-2014 12.55.09

    Pubblicazioni recenti Candela, Papers, International Journals A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014. A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani

  • 4. More recent pubblications (51%)

    20-gen-2014 13.05.53

    More recent pubblications Candela, papers, international journals, A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014. A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani

  • 5. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (41%)

    12-gen-2017 12.30.05

    of the Research Units are members of Editorial Board of several International Journals, see TAB.3. TAB.3 ... NUMBER OF PUBLICATIONS AND DISSEMINATION 139 Publications in International Journals H-INDEX 17 ISI ... OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS WITH PEER-REVIEW 2013- Member of Editorial Board of “Advanced Studies ... Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per la formazione superiore ... /persone/docenti/d/mario.dipaola/ RESEARCH GROUP WEBPAGE:

  • 6. List of papers published in International Journals (40%)

    28-set-2013 20.20.52

    List of papers published in International Journals mannina, journals, pubblications In Press Cosenza, A., Mannina, G. Neumann, M., P. Vanrolleghem. (2013) Variance - based sensitivity analysis for membrane bioreactor modelling. Science of the Total Environment. 2013 Cosenza, A., Mannina, G. Neumann, M., Viviani, G., P. Vanrolleghem. (2013) Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in membrane bioreactors: Model development and parameter estimation. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Volume

  • 7. New page (32%)

    22-mar-2015 9.43.13

    in International Journals Research projects Research interest ISA-UNIPA Group Useful Links Home DICAM ... Florence University (Prof. R. Gori). Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW ... . Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK> ... related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK> ... waste.. Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK>

  • 8. Research Projects (30%)

    6-mar-2016 9.09.00

    systems. Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK> ... . Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK> ... for municipal solid waste.. Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK> ... out. Principal related publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK> ... publications of International Journals: <VIEW LINK>

  • 9. new-page (21%)

    20-gen-2014 13.27.07

    is reviewer for some international journals. ANGELA CANDELA More recent pubblications Candela, papers, international journals, A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood ... Publ. 327, pp. 314-323, 2009. ANGELA CANDELA Recent research activities Candela, DICAM, project

  • 10. New page (21%)

    22-mar-2015 9.45.46

    2015 - Quebec, Canada List of papers published in International Journals mannina, papers, international journals In Press Cosenza, A., Mannina, G., Vanrolleghem, P., Neumann, M. (2013) Variance - based ... . GIORGIO MANNINA Navigation Menu HOME Short Biography Papers in International Journals Research projects Research interest ISA-UNIPA Group Useful Links Home DICAM Department Research Fields Laboratories

  • 11. Curriculum_Sito_Inglese_Marzo_2017 (21%)

    4-mag-2017 16.49.08

    dealing with the topics listed in Section 9, 10 of which are on international journals ISI, 7 ... . The papers published on international journals and on the proceedings of international congresses ... . Papers on international journals 1.1) Ferreri G. B. and Ferro V. (1990): “Short-duration rainfalls ... CURRICULUM VITAE OF PROF. GIOVANNI BATTISTA FERRERI Associate Professor of Hydraulics at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials Engineering (DICAM) of the University

  • 12. prof. Alberto Milazzo (20%)

    11-ott-2016 13.34.24

    numerical models. He has authored more than 160 papers published in international journals and ... international journals and he is member of international conferences scientific committees. ALBERTO MILAZZO ... prof. Alberto Milazzo DICAM, CV, professor Curriculum Full Professor of Aerostructures, has held and holds courses in Aerospace Materials, Structures and Design. His research activity has been mainly devoted to problems of structural analysis, focusing on the development of original and alternative

  • 13. CV - Fratini (19%)

    6-apr-2016 14.52.46

    of more than 250 scientific papers on international journals and on the proceedings of international ... CV - Fratini Dicam, cv, water&Energy New trends and research perspectives towards a more sustainable environment Fratini Livan - Università di Palermo Livan Fratini is Full Professor of “Manufacturing Processes” at the Department of Chemical, Industrial, Computer, Mechanical Engineering ... ” al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica dell’Università di Palermo

  • 14. CV - Lubello (19%)

    6-apr-2016 14.58.31

    laboratories joint between University and Companies. He is reviewer for several international journals and ... di Ingegneria dell'Università di Firenze dal 2005. E' vice-direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile

  • 15. new-page (19%)

    2-mar-2014 8.50.24

    List of papers published in International Journals mannina, papers, international journals In Press Cosenza, A., Mannina, G., Vanrolleghem, P., Neumann, M. (2013) Variance - based sensitivity analysis for wastewater treatment plant modelling. Science of the Total Environment. 2013 Mannina, G., Cosenza, A. (2013) The fouling phenomenon in membrane bioreactors: assessment of different strategies ... Gruppo ISA-UNIPA Link utili Dipartimento DICAM Gruppo ISA-UNIPA CICS Ambiente&Territorio CICS

  • 16. new-page (19%)

    13-feb-2014 18.48.31

    scale numerical models. He has authored more than 130 papers published in international journals and ... international journals and he is member of international conferences scientific committees. ALBERTO ... prof. Alberto Milazzo DICAM, CV, professor Curriculum Associate Professor of Aerostructures, has held and holds courses in Aerospace Materials, Structures and Design. His research activity has been mainly devoted to problems of structural analysis, focusing on the development of original and

  • 17. CV Eng (17%)

    14-feb-2014 16.02.16

    ’ chapter. Reviewer for the following international journals: “Composite Part A”, “Composite Part B ... CV Eng DICAM, ING-IND/22, UNIPA Vincenzo Fiore is Assistant Professor in Technology and Material Science at Palermo University. He has a degree in material engineering from University of Messina and a doctorate in “Analisi Economiche, Innovazione Tecnologica e gestione delle Politiche per lo sviluppo Territoriale” from University of Palermo. In 2008 he obtained his PhD at the Palermo University

  • 18. new-page (17%)

    14-feb-2014 16.54.48

    ’ chapter. Reviewer for the following international journals: “Composite Part A”, “Composite Part B ... CV Eng DICAM, ING-IND/22, UNIPA Vincenzo Fiore is Assistant Professor in Technology and Material Science at Palermo University. He has a degree in material engineering from University of Messina and a doctorate in “Analisi Economiche, Innovazione Tecnologica e gestione delle Politiche per lo sviluppo Territoriale” from University of Palermo. In 2008 he obtained his PhD at the Palermo University

  • 19. new-page (17%)

    14-feb-2014 13.06.47

    Short profile DICAM, CV, Professor Dr. Ivano Benedetti has been Lecturer in Aerospace Structures at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace and Materials Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Palermo (Italy). since 2008. From July 2011 to July 2013 he has been a Marie Curie Intra ... Infrastructures of the University Kore of Enna, Italy. He has served as referee for several international journals, including: International Journal of Solids and Structures; International Journal

  • 20. CV UK (17%)

    24-mar-2014 16.59.37

    CV UK fileccia scimemi, dicam, curriculum vitae, Assistant Professor of Structural Mechanics since 2005, teaches for undergraduate and graduate students in Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering courses in Strength of Materials and Statics. The research activity is developed on topics ... identification, heuristic techniques. He is author of several scientific paper published in International Journals and in Proceedings of Italian and International Conferences. He has participated