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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Language in global migration: policies and practices of inclusion (100%)

    14-set-2017 9.48.40

    Language in global migration: policies and practices of inclusion workshop, locandina, itastra 14-16 settembre 2017 Complesso di S. Antonino – Aula 101 Seminario internazionale nell’ambito del progetto “The protective role of language in global migration: language policies and practices in refugee settings (ProLanguage)”, finanziato dall’Economic and social research council (UK) Programma Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 2. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (81%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 3. GAP_4th ISW Program_compressed (67%)

    18-ott-2022 16.34.46

    with particular care on the issues of access and inclusion in museums and on the relationship ... are. How can we measure a good result? Are we speaking about the degree of inclusion of actors ... inclusion through culture. From 2004 to 2001, she conceived and curated the Acrobazie project, promoted ... – Max-Planck-Institut; Università degli Studi di Palermo – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle

  • 4. research seminars.Palermo2021•pdf (65%)

    29-mar-2021 12.12.51

    to social inclusion Stefania Maci (Bergamo), When specialised languages meet specialised translation ... ), Sign language interpreting in performing arts settings: creative approach and inclusion ... with an App Link to the website:

  • 5. research seminars.docxbozza 2 (65%)

    18-mar-2021 11.32.46

    right to social inclusion Stefania Maci (Bergamo), When specialised languages meet specialised ... inclusion Alina Secarā (Vienna Centre for Translation Studies; Leeds), Building sustainable and fair ... with an App Link to the website:

  • 6. Programma (65%)

    14-set-2017 9.43.41

    LANGUAGE IN GLOBAL MIGRATION: LANGUAGE IN GLOBAL MIGRATION: POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF INCLUSION POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF INCLUSION ProLanguage Meeting (Palermo, September 14-16 2017) ProLanguage Meeting (Palermo, September 14-16 2017) September 14 September 15 September 16 “Complesso S.Antonino” Morning (h 9.30-13.30) Afternoon (h 15.00-18.00) Morning (h 9.00-13.00) Morning (h 9.30 -11.00), “,WD6WUD: D

  • 7. DM Lab Workshop final program (65%)

    23-mar-2022 10.25.03

    FIT FORTHEM and FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab warmly welcome academics, students and other stakeholders interested in and working with migration and inclusion to join our virtual workshop. In the workshop, participants get the chance to network with their international colleagues, learn more about the IncluKIT (Inclusive Intercultural Communication Training Kit for Initial ... academics, students, and university- external stakeholders working with inclusion and migration to join

  • 8. Presentation and educational aims (65%)

    27-lug-2023 16.03.37

    of action lines on the level of the social inclusion of the actors who took part in the migration processes ... on the level of the social inclusion of the actors who took part in the migration processes, while

  • 9. ReSignifications conference booklet (57%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    , after the ouster of Ben Ali, raising the threshold of the of visibility, representation and inclusion ... -century to a helmeted Persean fi g- ure holding a Medusa shield; 2) The logic of the inclusion

  • 10. sinossiPalermoEN2021 (56%)

    10-set-2021 11.43.42

    usability and inclusion, specifically conceived for the design, creation and development of (audio ... /scienzeumanistiche/5th-International-Edition-Translation- Symposium-Audiovisual-Translation-and-Computer

  • 11. Translation Symposium Dottorato (maggio 2021) (56%)

    7-gen-2021 8.36.19

    : ... -mediated communication, to secure accessible digital platforms, entails both usability and inclusion

  • 12. sinossiPalermoEN_29012021 (56%)

    1-feb-2021 10.54.29

    to the event: ... -Mediascapes--00001/; ... accessible digital platforms, entails both usability and inclusion, specifically conceived

  • 13. sinossiPalermoEN(2) (56%)

    16-set-2020 12.16.24

    ] University of Palermo link: ... digital platforms, entails both usability and inclusion, specifically conceived

  • 14. sinossiPalermoEN_17_09_2020 (56%)

    17-set-2020 9.11.08

    ] University of Palermo link: ... usability and inclusion, specifically conceived for the design, creation and development of (audio

  • 15. Inglese_Mantoan (56%)

    6-ott-2023 11.19.26

    the contribution of the humanities to social transformation and inclusion. Specifically, the project

  • 16. Inglese_Di Piazza (56%)

    11-ott-2023 10.10.38

    Language and law between exclusion and inclusion – Prof. Salvatore Di Piazza Il progetto si propone di riflettere sulla relazione – complessa ed articolata – tra le pratiche linguistiche e l’esercizio di forme di violenza e discriminazione e sul ruolo che il diritto gioca (e può giocare) in questo intreccio. Se, infatti, per un verso, il linguaggio è una delle modalità più specifiche dell’essere umano per creare comunità e rafforzare i legami sociali della polis, per un altro verso

  • 17. Department bodies (56%)

    11-ott-2023 9.10.10

    ) prof. Andrea Le Moli (Space) prof. Francesco Paolo Madonia (Inclusion, equal opportunities and

  • 18. Inglese_Di Piazza (56%)

    11-ott-2023 11.11.05

    Language and law between exclusion and inclusion – Prof. Salvatore Di Piazza The project aims to reflect on the relationship - complex and articulated - between linguistic practices and the exercise of forms of violence and discrimination, and on the role that law plays (and can play) in this intertwining. If, in fact, on the one hand, language is one of the human being's most specific ways of creating community and strengthening the social bonds of the polis, on the other hand

  • 19. Research projects (56%)

    26-giu-2024 15.38.42

    between exclusion and inclusion – Prof. Salvatore Di Piazza EUROSTART 2021 Traduzione audiovisiva

  • 20. Final Program 11-10-2023 (1) (56%)

    2-nov-2023 10.21.40

    . Exploring students’ attitudes toward the inclusion 2:30– 4:00 of course material on feminism