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Risultati della ricerca
1. Delegazione UniPa alla FIT FORTHEM final conference in Lettonia (100%)
22-nov-2023 16.57.39Delegazione UniPa alla FIT FORTHEM final conference in Lettonia articolo, notizia, unipa, fit forthem, forthem, digital platform Una delegazione dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo – composta dal prof. Fabrizio D’Avenia del Dipartimento Culture e Società , dal prof. Daniele Savasta dell’Università di Smirne, collaboratore a contratto, dalla dott.ssa Silvana Di Bono, responsabile del settore ... dedicata alla presentazione della versione beta della FIT FORTHEM Digital Platform. Sviluppata dal WP4
2. 5th_Newsletter_EnerNETMob_EN (21%)
30-set-2021 17.08.145th newsletter | September 2021 Welcome to the 5th newsletter of the Interreg MED EnerNETMob project! EnerNETMob highlights EnerNETMob launches its new digital platform The new EnerNETMob platform is online! The platform is designed to host EnerNETMob’s news and achievements and reinforce transnational cooperation through a number of targeted events with the participation of key actors of the EV sector. This integrated platform aspires to build an Interactive Community related
3. giunta2015CV Picciotto Loredana (21%)
17-gen-2017 14.55.11- in corso. Componente del Progetto di ricerca intitolato “The 1st digital platform to support
4. REMED (21%)
9-apr-2022 12.19.49will be available and shared and gradually updated on the RE-MED community digital platform created
5. REMED (21%)
9-apr-2022 12.19.56will be available and shared and gradually updated on the RE-MED community digital platform created
6. Erasmus_DepartmentSchoolDay-forthem 1 marzo 2023 sdg (21%)
7-mar-2023 9.20.41An online Digital platform for virtual Academy mobility Training on digital E-learning competence
7. Programma - pieghevole unificato (1)_Defep (21%)
2-ott-2023 16.31.24Mercantini 9:30-11:00 Digital Academy: the digital platform of the European Visit of Campus Universitario
8. Programma_Approaches of Pedagogy and Didactics (21%)
5-ott-2023 14.28.57Mercantini 9:30-11:00 Digital Academy: the digital platform of the European Visit of Campus Universitario
9. i-TAG - International Tourism Analytics Group: UniPa coordina il kick-off meeting del progetto sulla cultura statistica nel settore del turismo e nell’industria dell’ospitalità (21%)
26-feb-2024 12.30.57(TAP) by the team at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an advanced digital platform that collects
10. Climate Justice Living Lab (21%)
23-ott-2024 15.09.35of Palermo and partner universities. Establish a digital platform (living lab) for the collection and
11. Translation_Event_A_Rizzo_doc (21%)
21-nov-2024 12.51.19the first course in professional subtitling in Sicily with the professional digital platform OOONA
12. Tematiche di ricerca (18%)
15-mag-2020 17.29.39objective could be to set up an inexpensive, new, wireless, digital platform with an improved signal
13. 07_information-and-communication-technologies-internazionale.pdf (18%)
25-lug-2017 12.19.00an inexpensive, new, wireless, digital platform with an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). UNMANNED
14. information and communication technologies (18%)
25-lug-2017 12.19.00, digital platform with an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES/ UNMANNED
15. newsletter_2023_06 (18%)
4-lug-2023 9.51.08managers, administrators and FORTHEM Digital Platform. The reports on researchers to remain attentive
16. 5444238 bando_dott. monzani_en (18%)
22-mag-2024 14.15.12to develop a digital platform that allows people to adopt healthy behaviors and manage their
17. 5444238 bando_dott. monzani_it (18%)
22-mag-2024 14.15.12aims to develop a digital platform that allows people to adopt healthy behaviors and manage their