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  • 1. Pirelli China Chemical (100%)

    25-mar-2015 17.55.22

    a Chem China, dersia livelloi nternazionaleco, i- zioned elb usinessC. lausoles ta- una quotac hea gli ... ou, indi di China d o- ganNational e UniCreditp, otrebbevreDbe Chemical s ottoscriver e sse_ C ... uestaokf China è da unlato la struttura,f inanziaria_ _ caricdoe llam etàO .fu f *u O,.r"U,fo ... a l ingressoin Pi re l l i d i China <La cosap i ir importante è mil ione e mezzo di auto ... of China e c'èi l fondoB ohai,u n colosso s e r a t i ,m a r c h i a m a t i s s i m i bi le dei

  • 2. Three_Late_Qing_Chinese_translations_of (70%)

    19-gen-2021 10.45.43

    of Robinson Crusoe: Shen Zufen, Dalu bao and Lin Shu LI Jin Renmin University, China Sean ... works of Western literature in the history of translation in China. Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe was read by many in China as a figure of Western culture that had suddenly risen to prominence on the world ... in the history of translation in China. According to recent research, five translations of Robinson ... century in China.3 The first literary translations begin in the 1870s, but they mostly consist

  • 3. malta23 (67%)

    5-feb-2024 21.37.26

    the law in China? The with a Special Focus on Norm-Taker or Norm- internal debate in the Union ... Borders Stretch to China: Early Information 19th Century Chinese Kang Youwei’s Travel Morocco ... Building in He’s Voyages: Zunxian, Liang Qichao China: Managing British Navigating between and Tang ... from imperial China in/on China and Racial Integration of from Egypt to China in the international ... Caves PANEL 6: CHINA IN MEDIA AND ADVERTISING (ROOM 103) 议题六:媒体与宣传中的中国 CHAIR: SERGIO CONTI

  • 4. The Economist 14 Nov 2015 (48%)

    24-nov-2015 16.39.46

    bust in the rich world. Fearing a depression in its richest export markets, the authorities in China ... , notably in China. But Turkey, Brazil and Chile also saw substantial increases in the ratio of company debt to GDP (see chart 2). Construction firms (notably in China and Latin America) increased their ... , leaving it prone to deflation. The most highly indebted emerging markets, such as China, South Korea ... . It is less affected by the slowdown in China than other Asian economies, and the halving in oil prices

  • 5. GSARA CV ENG AT FEB 2014 (45%)

    9-feb-2014 16.39.42

    to predict the effects of global climate disturbance on aquatic ecosystems' (Hong Kong, China, 12-19 ... organisms” (Hong Kong, China, 16-19 January 2012) 2012 Designed scientific coordinator by University ... Scientist, SWIRE Institute, Univ. of Hong Kong, China 2007 Member of Italian Diplomatic Staff, Univ ... speaker in Hong Kong (China) 2004 Research Grant at Sandgerdi Marine Biological Filed Station within ... ) COLLABORATORS AND CO-EDITORS G. Williams (Hong Kong U, China) B. Glamuzina (Dubrovnik U

  • 6. LIBRI DI TESTO. Link al sito dove procuravi uno dei libri di testo (37%)

    13-dic-2019 18.11.00

    del capitale Zingales allocazione capitale OPA China Chemical su Pirelli Pirelli China Chemical In un corso

  • 7. GSARA CV ITA 01-2014 (35%)

    9-feb-2014 16.39.29

    of Hong Kong, China) Prof. Yunwei Dong (Xiamen University, China) Dr. Gil Rilov (National

  • 8. Curriculum_Sito_Inglese_Marzo_2017 (35%)

    4-mag-2017 16.49.08

    International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Hong Kong (China), December 8th - 12th 2008 • 13th ... , Hong Kong (China), December 8th - 12th, CD-ROM. 2.11) Ciraolo G., Costa C., Ferreri G. B., Folkard

  • 9. Curriculum_Sito_Marzo_2017 (35%)

    4-mag-2017 16.49.08

    Kong (China), 8-12 dicembre 2008 • 13th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural ... International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Hong Kong (China), December 8th - 12th, CD-ROM. 3.11

  • 10. dati fusioni (32%)

    11-apr-2015 16.55.52

    errill Lynch,cessiondea p arted el China M ini- compartpi iù dinamic N ationalC hemical i in termini

  • 11. 21.11_Convocazione II anno di tirocinio 22_23 (32%)

    14-nov-2022 20.12.22


  • 12. Canale Telegram CinaGram (32%)

    9-ott-2022 17.16.43

    Canale Telegram CinaGram Vinci, cinese, social, telegram, instagram È attivo il canale Telegram CinaGram, a cura della docente Renata Vinci — Università degli Studi di Palermo. Link Telegram e Instagram Il canale, nasce dal gruppo “China Matters” destinato agli studenti di cinese dell’Università di Palermo. È oggi diventato una guida aperta a tutt* – student*, appassionat* o semplicemente curios* –, che propone aggiornamenti costanti

  • 13. RENATA VINCI (32%)

    9-feb-2024 18.31.27

    China Matters” destinato agli studenti di cinese dell’Università di Palermo. È oggi diventato ... alle ore 17.00 in aula ex-professori (ed. 19) si terrà una lezione aperta del dott. Giuseppe Rizzuto

  • 14. Convocazione III anno tirocinio 2023-2024 (32%)

    17-ott-2023 21.23.43


  • 15. IEEE_magazine_I_2014 (27%)

    8-mag-2014 10.43.48

    - tor of two books and he is an author or coauthor of over 200 tech- versity, Beijing, China, in 2001