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  • 1. Body Image concerns and Eating Behaviours (100%)

    11-giu-2019 11.26.25

    Teatro Nuovo Gregotti, Edificio 16, viale delle Scienze Body Image concerns and Eating Behaviours articolo, notizia, unipa, sppeff, body image, eating behaviours Il Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell'Esercizio Fisico e della Formazione (SPPEFF) dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo organizza il IV Meeting della International Academy of Body Image, Eating Problems and Health dal titolo “Body Image concerns and Eating Behaviours”. L’iniziativa, che si concentra sui temi


    13-ott-2021 9.34.35

    Seminario - RESEARCH MEETING OF THE ACADEMY OF BODY IMAGE evento, seminario, psicologia clinica, s2048, SEMINARIO RESEARCH MEETING OF THE ACADEMY OF BODY IMAGE; EATING PROBLEMS Il prof. Gianluca Lo Coco del Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e della Formazione ospiterà il 4 e 5 luglio 2016 il Research meeting of the Academy of Body Image, Eating Problems and Health. Il meeting favorirà il confronto tra diversi studiosi internazionali di psicologia della salute sul legame

  • 3. Body Image and Eating Disorders (39%)

    18-mag-2023 9.38.37

    Body Image and Eating Disorders articolo, notizia, unipa, 2121, Ciclo di seminari maggio 2023 Nel mese di maggio, su invito del prof. Gianluca Lo Coco, è ospite del nostro Dipartimento la prof.ssa Rachel Rodgers (Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology, Northeastern University,e Boston, USA). Rodgers terrà un ciclo di lezioni su Body Image and Eating Disorders. Tutte le informazioni in locandina. GIUSEPPE GIACONIA Ciclo di seminari /sites/portale/dipartimenti

  • 4. SEMINARIO | BEYOND THE BINARIES: Body image in the context of gender and sexual orientation (36%)

    28-ott-2022 11.15.56

    SEMINARIO | BEYOND THE BINARIES: Body image in the context of gender and sexual orientation articolo, notizia, unipa, 2048, Seminario con Rachel Rodgers DAL TITOLO "BEYOND THE BINARIES: Body image in the context of gender and sexual orientation" Apri/Scarica Locandina GIUSEPPE ALAMIA /sites/portale/_categories/evento/

  • 5. Seminario dal titolo 'Social media and risk for body image and eating concerns: Theoretical frameworks and empirical data' (34%)

    17-giu-2024 9.13.44

    Seminario dal titolo 'Social media and risk for body image and eating concerns: Theoretical frameworks and empirical data' articolo, notizia, unipa, eventi_iniziative_internazionalizzazione_psicologiaclinica In data 30/05/2022 si è tenuto per gli studenti il seminario dal titolo 'Social media and risk for body image and eating concerns: Theoretical frameworks and empirical data' tenuto da Rachel Rodgers,Department of Applied Psychology, Northeastern University, Boston, USA. DAVIDE MURATORE

  • 6. IV Annual Meeting International Academy of Body Image, Eating Problems and Health (26%)

    4-giu-2019 8.42.49

    Locandina IV Annual Meeting International Academy of Body Image, Eating Problems and Health

  • 7. Disponibilità Chiesa S. Antonio Abate (27,28) e Gratuito Patrocinio - Meeting di ricerca della Accademy of Body Image, Eating Problems and Health - Complesso Monumentale dello Steri - 4-5 luglio 2016 - ore 9:00 - 18:00 - Regolamento di Ateneo, Decreto n° 257 del 2013 - Inserimento della manifestazione Eventi 210 - (24%)

    9-giu-2016 11.53.08

    0 46626 0,00 Disponibilità Chiesa S. Antonio Abate (27,28) e Gratuito Patrocinio - Meeting di ricerca della Accademy of Body Image, Eating Problems and Health - Complesso Monumentale dello Steri - 4-5 luglio 2016 - ore 9:00 - 18:00 - Regolamento di Ateneo, Decreto n° 257 del 2013 - Inserimento della manifestazione Eventi 210 - disponibilità, cerimoniale, trasparenza ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/

  • 8. Locandina Seminari R. F. Rodgers_maggio 2023 (20%)

    18-mag-2023 9.36.15

    CICLO DI SEMINARI CON RACHEL RODGERS Body Image in Eating Disorders Mercoledì 10 Maggio, 14.00 – 16.00, Ed. 15 - VI piano (aula Laboratorio Osservazione Gruppi) Social Media and Body Image Lunedì 15 Maggio, 14.00 – 16.00, Ed. 19, Aula 6 Social Media and Body Image Martedì 16 Maggio, 10.00 – 12.00, Ed. 19, Aula 7 Body Image and eating disorders: a dyadic mother-infant process in the peripartum period Giovedì 18 Maggio, 17.00 – 19.00, Teatro nuovo «Gregotti», Ed. 17 Eating Disorders during

  • 9. Locandina maggio 2023 Seminari R. F. Rodgers_Lo COCO (20%)

    22-mag-2023 10.56.56

    CICLO DI SEMINARI CON RACHEL RODGERS Body Image in Eating Disorders Mercoledì 10 Maggio, 14.00 – 16.00, Ed. 15 - VI piano (aula Laboratorio Osservazione Gruppi) Social Media and Body Image Lunedì 15 Maggio, 14.00 – 16.00, Ed. 19, Aula 6 Social Media and Body Image Martedì 16 Maggio, 10.00 – 12.00, Ed. 19, Aula 7 Body Image and eating disorders: a dyadic mother-infant process in the peripartum period Giovedì 18 Maggio, 17.00 – 19.00, Teatro nuovo «Gregotti», Ed. 17 Eating Disorders during

  • 10. CV Lo Coco ITA 2021 (15%)

    10-dic-2021 13.51.39

    - Psychiatry Research - Frontiers in Psychology - Body Image - Nutrients - Bollettino di Psicologia ... factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: a study protocol. Body Image ... eating partially mediates the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and psychological

  • 11. RPC-Lab Research Lab in Clinical and Group Psychology: promotion of wellbeing and innovation (14%)

    31-lug-2022 14.47.50

    RPC-Lab Research Lab in Clinical and Group Psychology: promotion of wellbeing and innovation articolo, notizia, unipa Main research topics of the Laboratory are: - Eating disorders and body image Online interventions for eating disorders. Body image concerns in eating disorders. The therapeutic relationship in the treatment of eating disorders. Binge eating disorder and obesity. - Psychotherapy Research The effectiveness of psychological interventions. The study of therapeutic alliance and

  • 12. Laboratorio di Psicologia clinica e dei gruppi (14%)

    31-lug-2022 14.48.01

    RPC-Lab Research Lab in Clinical and Group Psychology: promotion of wellbeing and innovation articolo, notizia, unipa Main research topics of the Laboratory are: - Eating disorders and body image Online interventions for eating disorders. Body image concerns in eating disorders. The therapeutic relationship in the treatment of eating disorders. Binge eating disorder and obesity. - Psychotherapy Research The effectiveness of psychological interventions. The study of therapeutic alliance and

  • 13. 28th icpafr book of abstracts (13%)

    3-set-2016 13.23.57

    of the Self-Referent Thought such as Body Image (BI) and Body Satisfaction (BS) are not well known ... of satisfaction regarding their own body and its different parts. Keywords: body image, body satisfaction

  • 14. cv carta (10%)

    5-mag-2020 9.54.25

    E, Arias-Carrión O, Budde H, Machado S. Relationship Among Body Image, Anthropometric Parameters and

  • 15. Capranica Laura (10%)

    7-apr-2020 9.21.08

    /02640414.2010.523089 Articolo in rivista MORANO M, COLELLA D, CAPRANICA L (2011). Body image, perceived and ... education lessons program on body image and self-efficacy in overweight children. In: Book of Abstracts. 6th

  • 16. Miller et al 2016_Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics (10%)

    4-feb-2019 9.54.57

    are usually most development in survivors and lead to negative body image appropriately treated at pediatric ... body image.39,56,57 mated that, as of January 1, 2016, there were 219,570 HL Referral to a trained

  • 17. cv_cuzzocrea (10%)

    5-mar-2021 9.48.41

    . (2020) Fear the Instagram: beauty stereotypes, body image and Instagram use in a sample of male and

  • 18. Locandina 30 maggio Rogers (10%)

    28-ott-2022 11.15.15

    BEYOND THE BINARIES: Body image in the context of gender and sexual orientation KEYNOTE LECTURE WITH RACHEL RODGERS 30TH MAY 2022 9.00-11.00 Associate Professor Northeastern University UNIVERSITÀ DI PALERMO Boston, USA EDIFICIO 19, AULA 7 Associate Professor Saluti istituzionali Northeastern University Prof. Maria Di Blasi Boston, USA Delegata per l’Inclusione, Pari Opportunità e Politiche di Genere del Dipartimento SPPEFF Università degli Studi di Palermo Discussant Prof. Gianluca

  • 19. MockTest2012 (10%)

    8-mar-2013 21.55.17

    their primary school body-image course, which has just been piloted at Cheddar Grove in the city

  • 20. Allegato A (10%)

    4-feb-2015 17.36.46

    in children's behaviour, but devised their primary school body-image course, which has just been