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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (100%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    installation and field trips for the practical work, capacity building for the staff and students ... , employability and professionalization of students will be promoted. The sustainability of the proposed plan

  • 2. PhD Students XXXIII -XXXVI (91%)

    22-dic-2020 4.12.14

    Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ~ P.IVA 00605880822 PhD STUDENTS – 33th CYCLE PhD STUDENT TUTOR CO-TUTOR SSD E-MAIL GRANT BORRANI ... – posta certificata CODICE IPA DISTEM 2INPVJ Dipartimento ... CODICE IPA DISTEM 2INPVJ Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ~ P.IVA 00605880822 PhD STUDENTS – 36th CYCLE PhD STUDENT

  • 3. PhDs' students and Phds (86%)

    26-feb-2024 13.53.48

    XXXIX cycle PhD students list articolo, notizia, unipa PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding Shahed SHAHRESTANI Christian Conoscenti Edoardo Rotigliano, Antonino Maltese GEO/04 ... CONOSCENTI XXXVIII cycle PhD students list articolo, notizia, unipa PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors ... Sante Francesco Rende (Dipartimento per il Monitoraggio e la Tutela dell’Ambiente ... students list articolo, notizia, unipa PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding

  • 4. PhDs' students and Phds (71%)

    13-dic-2020 18.50.08

    PhDs articolo, notizia, unipa Lists of PhDs from 29th to 32th Cycle Lists of PhD Students from 33th to 36th Cycle DANIELA ALFANO

  • 5. XXXVII cycle PhD students list (70%)

    19-feb-2024 10.18.18

    XXXVII cycle PhD students list student, PhD, dottorato PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding Rosaria ARENA Concetta Maria Messina Frédéric Debeaufort (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté), Dr. Margret Geirsdóttir (Matis Iceland, food and biotech R&D company) AGR/20 – Aquaculture, Poultry and Rabbit Science DM 1061/2021, PON "tematiche green” Arianna BARONE Edoardo Rotigliano Giuliana Madonia GEO/04 - Physical Geography and Geomorphology no grant Luca BISANTI Matteo

  • 6. XXXIX cycle PhD students list (70%)

    10-giu-2024 10.26.26

    XXXIX cycle PhD students list student, phd, dottorato PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding Giulia COSIMI Paola Quatrini BIO/19 - Microbiology Regione Sicilia Mariele STAROPOLI Matteo Cammarata BIO/05 - Zoology PNRR.UNIPA Davide CARPINTIERI Paola Quatrini dott. Antonio Sparacio (IRVOS) BIO/19 - Microbiology IRVO Marco Vincenzo MAJANI Patrizia Capizzi Raffaele Martorana GEO/11 - Applied geophysics PC.UNIPA Maddalena DOZZO Gaetana Ganci Alessandro Aiuppa GEO/08

  • 7. XXXVIII cycle PhD students list (70%)

    18-giu-2024 15.42.18

    XXXVIII cycle PhD students list student, PhD, dottorato PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding Antonina BADALUCCO Sabrina Lo Brutto Matteo Cammarata BIO/05 - Zoology PNRR (NBFC) Viviana BELLOMO Edoardo Rotigliano Chiara Martinello GEO/04 - Physical Geography and Geomorphology Regione Sicilia Federica BERTINI Giovanna Parisi Matteo Cammarata BIO/05 - Zoology PNRR (NBFC) Ana ... (Dipartimento per il Monitoraggio e la Tutela dell’Ambiente e per la Conservazione della Biodiversità

  • 8. English Version (63%)

    3-dic-2020 15.02.09

    by the PhD students. Erasmus+ Programmes As part of the Erasmus+ program, DiSTeM has activated ... The Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM) has a bilateral agreement in place for the awarding ... Peoples (RUDN) in Moscow, under which students can obtain a double degree, awarded by both universities ... with the RUDN. The agreement provides for the exchange of students and researchers, and was renewed in March ... from the following foreign institutions are part of the DiSTeM doctoral college: Institut de Physique

  • 9. Siamo lieti di presentare la “Winter School on Active Tectonics and Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution”. Si terrà a Palermo (Sicilia), una delle città più storiche e antiche d'Italia, il prossimo inverno (5-8 dicembre 2022) presso il “Museo Geologico Gemmellaro” fondato nel 1861 da Gaetano Gemmellaro, geologo e paleontologo. (61%)

    31-ott-2022 10.29.30

    . Winter school students will be invited to present their research through a 5-minute speech followed by an interactive Q&A session. We strongly encourage MSc and PhD students and young researchers ... . Applications for students, Early Career Researchers, and Developing Countries Researchers should ... in the registration link. This winter school will host up to 30 students and is organized under ... . The Pico-Talk session could represent a perfect moment to discuss the students’ ongoing research before

  • 10. PhD Student XXXIII -XXXVI Aggiornata 01_04_2021 (59%)

    1-apr-2021 14.06.21

    Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ~ P.IVA ... DISTEM 2INPVJ Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ... Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ~ P.IVA ... certificata CODICE IPA DISTEM 2INPVJ Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM) COD. FISC. 80023730825 ~ P.IVA 00605880822 PhD STUDENTS – 36th CYCLE

  • 11. Educational activities (56%)

    13-dic-2020 19.49.29

    , dissemination activaties organised by the students ; Support to teaching 5-10 Chosen by the student Workshops ... by the student Seminars, dissemination activities organised by the students ; Support to teaching 5-10 ... students. The II level courses (Master's Degrees, Masters) offered by our or other University

  • 12. Educational activities (56%)

    13-dic-2020 19.49.29

    , dissemination activaties organised by the students ; Support to teaching 5-10 Chosen by the student Workshops ... by the student Seminars, dissemination activities organised by the students ; Support to teaching 5-10 ... students. The II level courses (Master's Degrees, Masters) offered by our or other University

  • 13. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (56%)

    19-feb-2024 10.18.32

    XXXIX cycle PhD students list student, phd, dottorato PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding Shahed SHAHRESTANI Christian Conoscenti Edoardo Rotigliano, Antonino Maltese GEO/04 ... CONOSCENTI XXXVIII cycle PhD students list student, PhD, dottorato PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors ... Sante Francesco Rende (Dipartimento per il Monitoraggio e la Tutela dell’Ambiente ... PhD students list student, PhD, dottorato PhD student Supervisor Co-supervisors Research area Funding

  • 14. Partnership (53%)

    13-dic-2020 20.53.02

    Partnership articolo, notizia, unipa The PhD course in Earth and Sea Sciences aims to guarantee excellent and innovative training for its students, as well as career opportunities and knowledge ... . To this end, the PhD Program makes use of a network of national and international partners. PhD students in Earth ... em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos (IVAR), University of the Azores (Portugal) Dipartimento ... , MA (USA) Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Heraklion-Greece) Ciimar (Portugal) Dipartimento

  • 15. Presentation and educational aims (53%)

    12-dic-2020 22.46.01

    Presentation articolo, notizia, unipa The PhD course in Scienze della Terra e del Mare (Earth and Sea Sciences) offers to PhD students a formation and research program aimed at obtaining a robust knowledge in the fields of physical and natural sciences. We promote innovative doctoral research ... of the seabed; management of water resources; fishery; land use and conservations. PhD students ... at DiSTeM, and will have access to existing funds and facilities and/or to new funding opportunities

  • 16. Presentation and educational aims (53%)

    12-dic-2020 22.46.01

    Presentation articolo, notizia, unipa The PhD course in Scienze della Terra e del Mare (Earth and Sea Sciences) offers to PhD students a formation and research program aimed at obtaining a robust knowledge in the fields of physical and natural sciences. We promote innovative doctoral research ... of the seabed; management of water resources; fishery; land use and conservations. PhD students ... at DiSTeM, and will have access to existing funds and facilities and/or to new funding opportunities

  • 17. Partnership (53%)

    13-dic-2020 20.53.02

    Partnership articolo, notizia, unipa The PhD course in Earth and Sea Sciences aims to guarantee excellent and innovative training for its students, as well as career opportunities and knowledge ... . To this end, the PhD Program makes use of a network of national and international partners. PhD students in Earth ... em Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos (IVAR), University of the Azores (Portugal) Dipartimento ... , MA (USA) Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Heraklion-Greece) Ciimar (Portugal) Dipartimento

  • 18. Corsi sulle soft skills per studenti - Progetto europeo FORTHEM (53%)

    24-feb-2023 16.57.52

    Corsi sulle soft skills per studenti - Progetto europeo FORTHEM articolo, notizia, unipa Dear students, Do you want to improve your communication skills in English? Learn to discuss, negotiate, and problem-solve in international meetings? Are you thinking about applying for a job with an English-speaking employer and want to write a professional and convincing application? Our career orientation ... courses and workshops for career orientation, soft and communication skills to its students. They

  • 19. Catalogo degli insegnamenti di III livello per il XXXVII ciclo (51%)

    27-gen-2022 14.45.10

    . Il corso si propone di fornire ai dottorandi del Dipartimento Gennaio- 02 interferometria CFU ... and its habitats. The first part of the course will provide students with a broad introduction ... , students will take an oral exam, including the discussion of the theoretical topics and the exercises

  • 20. Catalogo degli insegnamenti di III livello de1 (51%)

    27-gen-2022 16.13.37

    / Prof. Il corso si propone di fornire ai dottorandi del Dipartimento di Gennaio- interferometria in 30 ... students with a broad introduction to techniques used by scientists in marine exploration, such ... types. At the end of the course, students will take an oral exam, including the discussion