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  • 1. Stories in Transit. It was and it was not… (100%)

    17-nov-2023 10.02.24

    Stories in Transit. It was and it was not… evento, sum, Stories in Transit, Il workshop di storytelling “It was and it was not…” è rivolto ad alcune classi del CPIA Palermo1, tra cui numerosi ... con figure centrali del progetto Stories in Transit: la direttrice del progetto, la scrittrice Marina ... Sito del progetto: Stories in Transit, Stories in Transit BIAGIA RUSSO 17-19 novembre 2023 Il workshop ... svolto con figure centrali del progetto Stories in Transit: la direttrice del progetto, la scrittrice

  • 2. Stories in Transit III_programma (96%)

    24-giu-2024 10.34.50

    STORIES IN TRANSIT III STORIE IN TRANSITO III RUSKIN SCHOOL OF ART, OXFORD AND BIRKBECK COLLEGE ... Making a Toolkit for Stories in Transit: report on and discussion of Castagna (University ... Topp and Mercedes Kemp, but all are urged to take part 11.20am ‘Stories Are a Form of Action ... Magassouba, and Saifou Diny Diallo from Palermo via Skype 2.30pm Stories in Transit IV, Palermo ... Kit for Stories in Transit’ Theme: Gilgamesh? Or another story/stories? Form small groups

  • 3. StoRIES | Al via il progetto di ricerca europeo per lo sviluppo di metodi e tecnologie innovative di accumulo dell’energia (75%)

    8-nov-2021 12.21.15

    StoRIES | Al via il progetto di ricerca europeo per lo sviluppo di metodi e tecnologie innovative di accumulo dell’energia articolo, notizia, unipa, StoRIES, ingegneria, LCA, ecodesign, ricerca, horizon 2020 Hanno preso il via le attività di StoRIES (Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System), progetto a cui partecipa l’Università degli Studi di Palermo con il “Laboratorio di LCA ed ecodesign” guidato dai proff. Maurizio Cellura e Sonia Longo del Dipartimento di Ingegneria. StoRIES, finanziato

  • 4. Stories in Transit (70%)

    25-giu-2024 11.49.27

    Stories in Transit terza missione, Storie in Transit, dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche Il progetto internazionale di terza missione Stories in Transit è stato creato nel 2016 dalla scrittrice ... Inglese, Unipa). Gli obiettivi del progetto Stories in Transit sono quelli di affermare il diritto ... di “nuovi palermitani” Giocherenda, poi divenuta aps. I laboratori successivi di Stories in Transit sono tutti ... of Oxford), Bibliothèques Sans Frontières, Stories & Supper, Asylum Welcome, CPIA 1 Palermo, Museo

  • 5. Workshop internazionale Stories in Transit: Telling the Tale in Times of Conflict (63%)

    1-feb-2017 12.27.39

    Workshop internazionale Stories in Transit: Telling the Tale in Times of Conflict workshop, Stories in Transit, scienze umanistiche, locandina dal 26 al 28 settembre 2016 presso Museo delle Marionette e Oratorio di Santa Chiara Locandina Programma Program (English) Scheda adesione BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 6. Programma (58%)

    21-set-2016 9.18.07

    STORIES IN TRANSIT TELLING THE TALE IN TIMES OF CONFLICTNARRARE IN TEMPI DI CONFLITTO STORIE IN TRANSITO STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLE “Music in the background: points of resonance for Stories in Transit ... , whatever Kate Higginbottom (performer) their status. “Communicating across borders; stories that travel ... Stories Clelia Bartoli (CPIA, Palermo); Maria Amidu (People United); September 27 - Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Day One: The Shelter of Stories Ester Russo (Médecins sans Frontières

  • 7. EFACIS Book of Abstracts (37%)

    12-mag-2015 18.19.24

    : SUPERNATURAL STORIES BETWEEN IRELAND AND JAPAN Ireland and Japan, two islands, or better two countries ... , and sharing a tradition of folk stories about ghosts and various spirits, passed on orally. This paper will compare supernatural stories from William Butler Yeats’s Fairy and Folk Tales ... : Stories and Studies of Strange Things, with particular focus on the common symbol of the butterfly as a representation of the soul. In Hearn’s apparently “non-Irish” adaptations of Japanese stories

  • 8. Book of Abstracts - _definitivo_ (36%)

    1-giu-2015 10.11.23

    University GHOSTS AND BUTTERFLIES: SUPERNATURAL STORIES BETWEEN IRELAND AND JAPAN Ireland and ... respectively, both originally peasant cultures, and sharing a tradition of folk stories about ghosts and various spirits, passed on orally. This paper will compare supernatural stories from William ... Hearn’s In Ghostly Japan and Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things, with particular focus ... -Irish” adaptations of Japanese stories especially, this becomes a way to bridge his much-felt divide

  • 9. Stories in Transit: Telling the Tale in Times of Conflict (33%)

    4-set-2017 11.00.05

    Stories in Transit: Telling the Tale in Times of Conflict articolo, notizia, unipa 26-28 Settembre 2016, Museo delle Marionette - Oratorio Santa Chiara L’evento riunisce artisti (scrittori, poeti, cantastorie, musicisti, compositori, registi), persone che hanno vissuto in prima persona la migrazione, rappresentanti di ONG e operatori di associazioni locali, docenti di italiano come lingua seconda ... /dipartimentoscienzeumanistiche/Workshop-internazionale-Stories-in-Transit-Telling-the-Tale-in-Times-of-Conflict/ TERESA

  • 10. solelunaPA21_Catalogo (29%)

    5-lug-2021 16.33.55

    , accompagnandoci in luoghi telling stories, accompanying us to places even far anche lontani. away. Questa

  • 11. sole-luna-doc-pa-21-catalogo (29%)

    2-lug-2021 12.45.52

    , accompagnandoci in luoghi telling stories, accompanying us to places even far anche lontani. away. Questa

  • 12. Locandina (28%)

    21-set-2016 9.10.12

    THE METsAupBpoOrteLdI bCy STUDIO STORIES IN TRANSIT TELLING THE TALE IN TIMES OF CONFLICT STORIE IN TRANSITO NARRARE IN TEMPI DI CONFLITTO PALERMO - 26-28 SETTEMBRE 2016 MUSEO INTERNAZIONALE DELLE MARIONETTE “ANTONIO PASQUALINO” Internati ORATORIO DI SANTA CHIARAonal Institute for Environment and Development Partners Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione degli Adulti Fondazione Ignazio Buttitta All Souls College University of Oxford Oxford Comparative Criticism & Translation St Anne’s College

  • 13. Scheda adesione (28%)

    21-set-2016 9.21.54

    STORIES IN TRANSIT: TELLING THE TALE IN TIMES OF CONFLICT STORIE IN TRANSITO: NARRARE IN TEMPI DI CONFLITTO 26-28 Settembre 2016 Museo Internazionale delle Marionette A. Pasqualino Oratorio di Santa Chiara Palermo Scheda di adesione al workshop Al fine di consentirci una più efficace organizzazione dei servizi del workshop e dei laboratori che si terranno nei tre pomeriggi, vi preghiamo

  • 14. Programma Stories in Transit It was and it was not (26%)

    17-nov-2023 8.54.09

    1 2 3 Workshop con i Workshop con i giochi di giochi di Giocherenda Giocherenda Walk: cattura immagini The Storycloak/il mantello delle storie e suoni Adattamento Microsoft Word - Programma Stories in Transit It was and it was not davim PDF24 Creator GPL Ghostscript 9.27

  • 15. Programma Stories in Transit It was and it was not (26%)

    17-nov-2023 9.58.58

    It was and it was not… Lo era e non lo era… 17-19 Novembre ‘23 Giochi di storie collettive e creazione di storie con Stories in Transit e Giocherenda Friday/Venerdì 17 Nov Saturday/Sabato 18 Nov Sunday/Domenica 19 Nov 09:30 - 17:00* 09:30 - 17:00 09:30 - 13:00 *17:00 spettacolo di marionette 1 Museo Pasqualino, 2 Casa Àncora, 3 Giocherenda, Where?/ Piazza Antonio Pasqualino, Piazza del Ponticello, 90134 Avenida Aragona, 25, 90133 Dove? 5, 90133 Palermo Palermo


    14-gen-2019 13.27.34

    backgrounds has influenced their daily attitudes in this multicultural city. This collision of stories has ... oral, written or visual narratives which focus on the meanings that people assign to stories ... border-crossing learners build their stories of lived experiences and language access in the receiving community. The stories of the lived experiences of members of English literacy groups at the drop ... of 35 of the participants’ stories. Finally, reflective, follow-up narrative interviews were carried

  • 18. 10 years of success stories with the EPS Historic Sites (25%)

    30-mar-2021 11.10.17

    10 years of success stories with the EPS Historic Sites articolo, notizia, unipa EDITORIALE Editorial The Historic Site programme of the European Physical Society (EPS) dates back to 2011, having been established under my presidency ten years ago. The idea was to honor and commemorate with the Historic Site (HS) award places in Europe, or even outside geographical Europe, that are important for the development and the history of physics. Read more CECILIA MACALUSO

  • 19. solelunaPA2020_catalogo (24%)

    3-lug-2020 12.52.59

    , Sole Cinematografia di Palermo, che raccontano tell Sicilian stories in an unprecedented way Dopo ... of a PC, as it documentario italiano, nella quale proponiamo of five “special” real life stories

  • 20. CATALOGO solelunaPA2020_DEF (24%)

    3-lug-2020 14.04.01

    , Sole Cinematografia di Palermo, che raccontano tell Sicilian stories in an unprecedented way Dopo ... of a PC, as it documentario italiano, nella quale proponiamo of five “special” real life stories