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1. SERVIZI PER LA RICERCA / Workshop nazionale OPERAS, l'infrastruttura per le scienze umane e sociali - 13 maggio ore 10:00-12:30 (100%)
29-apr-2021 9.42.09SERVIZI PER LA RICERCA / Workshop nazionale OPERAS, l'infrastruttura per le scienze umane e sociali - 13 maggio ore 10:00-12:30 OPERAS, unipa, scienze umane e sociali, workshop, OPERAS ... nazionale, dalle 10 alle 12.30. Dopo una breve presentazione di OPERAS e degli strumenti creati negli ... le modalità di adesione al nodo italiano di OPERAS e per porre le basi per contatti futuri. Programma 10.00 Saluti di benvenuto (Pierre Mounier, coordinatore OPERAS, Enrico Pasini, coordinatore nodo
2. CV_Anna_Tedesco_2019 (14%)
26-nov-2019 13.19.18for Francesco Cavalli’s Operas” nell’ambito della Round table “Editing Cavalli” with D. Fabris, H ... . Manuscript Edition Production. Readying Cavalli’s Operas for the Stage. Yale University, Whitney ... proposte di lettura e messa in scena. Monteverdi’s Venetian Operas: Sources, Performance ... Cavalli’s Operas for the Stage: Manuscript, Edition, Production, Farnham, Ashgate 2013, pp. 229-259
3. Senici CV per Palermo 2019 (10%)
2-apr-2020 16.40.08Montemorra Marvin e Marco Marica, Firenze, Olschki, 2003, pp. 937-943 - Rossini’s Operatic Operas ... indifference»: Rossini’s Operas and the Politics of Musical Representation in Early-Nineteenth- Century
5. About Palermo University (8%)
9-mag-2020 18.20.39famous operas in Italy where you can enjoy music and beautiful room. Walking within then narrow and
6. Invito all'ascolto di Falstaff, con Emanuele Senici (8%)
26-feb-2020 10.26.28, con Arman Schwartz) e Music in the Present Tense: Rossini's Italian Operas in Their Time (University
7. BrochureWinterSchool2017ItaStra (8%)
24-ott-2016 17.44.54outside the classroom. Special fares and price its operas, and the Biondo Theatre, with comedies and
8. Brochure Winter School 2017 ItaStra (8%)
25-ott-2016 18.26.38outside the classroom. Special fares and price its operas, and the Biondo Theatre, with comedies and
9. Winter School (8%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.08, the Massimo Theatre (the third largest theater in Europe) with it’s operas, and the Biondo Theatre
10. winter school 2015 palermo - english version (8%)
21-nov-2014 11.02.41, the Teatro Massimo (the third largest theater in Europe) with its operas and the Teatro Biondo
11. Winter School - English version (8%)
28-nov-2014 12.24.46Massimo (the third largest theater in Europe) with its operas and the TeatroBiondo, with comedies and
12. new-page (8%)
28-nov-2014 12.24.58Massimo (the third largest theater in Europe) with its operas and the TeatroBiondo, with comedies and
13. 6.Sabino Perea Yébenes (Hormos7_2015) (7%)
26-dic-2015 20.50.24tener Hedymeles operas dedit (Juv. Sat. VI, 380- 384). En el Occidente romano encontramos el cognomen
14. Alfredo Casamento Guerra giusta e guerra ingiusta nella Pharsalia di Lucano (7%)
8-mar-2013 22.33.11operas. Sul “mito” del personaggio Catone nella letteratura della prima età imperiale utile
15. Le voci dei libri _brochure_7ª ediz (7%)
21-ott-2024 9.28.41culturale vittoriana – giunge alle soap operas, passando per le copertine di riviste